How many people here have ever punched someone right in the fucking face?

Yeah, twice. All in one fight though. It was kinda like those white 60's era gang fights you see in the movies.
I knocked a guido a few days ago, the stupid fuck wouldn't shut his greasey little mouth. Had another fight with a kid who decided to throw punch at me at school. I ducked it and nailed good after that it was easy picking. It would have been harder to fight a kid with downs tied to a tree than this goofy mother fucker.
I've not - because I'm not in fightin' situations too often and when I do for some reason nothin' ever comes of it. There was one time where I did slam a broomstick in a kids face because he was bein' an asshole to this girl on my bus.
If I didn't hate the term perhaps more than any other term in the English language, I would call the act of hitting someone on your bus with a broomstick rather "Random".

Well he was using it to block the girls way, so I grabbed it and smashed him in the face with it :)
Oh yeah, if someone insulted me enough, it could very well provoke me to thow the first punch. But so far, I have always just insulted the person back in a way that caused them to strike first (usually saying something about their family/mother/heritage).