How many tickets are still available then?


You fuckin knows it
Just curious. Me and 3 mates will be purchasing soon, hopefully. Mugging old ladies for Bloodstock money has become one of our favourite pastimes.

Also, I just have to say congratulations on sorting all this out, and especially for getting such fucking amazing bands. I've been wanting to see Bodom for aeons, and now I get them with Arctica and a load of other great metal acts. Cheers!
it wont sell out that quickly... it sold out on the day last year so i reckon only a couple of months before will it sell out this year...june july maybe... i cant see it selling out so quickly... everyone else sems to think itll sell out really quickly though so i may be wrong! but then again, ill never admit it even if i am wrong...
if I understand figures Vince gave the RS...
Pre-sales are up 30% year on year
attendance is up 50% year on year

Last years pre-sales was 1800 tickets.
with the 30% growth thus accounting for 540 tickets, that only leaves 160 for the day.

I estimate them selling out around the start of August...
good use of the RS stats there mate, well i purchased 4 tickets for my self and the other 10 mates i got to come have just purchaced theirs so thats 14 gone just from 1 group... 3 times more than we got last year (actually more than 3 times but less than 4 times more) so thats over a 30% increase from just 1 group, so figures agreed with.
Stop buying all the tickets! i still havent had the money to buy mine yet... i keep needing it for other things...
it is true that none are more important but others are sooner and therefore i need to buy tickets for them now... i shant sacrifice bloodstock for them, fret ye not...
Good to here, chin up youll raise the funds before the gig and get the tickets and be rockin out among the rest of the rest of us in no time! By the by, Cannibal corpse, rios april 15th, rock on... and also hope to catch powerquest and intense there in june...
Ill definately be there for power quest and intense... how could i miss that one... mercury rain are with them aswell arent they? should be a great night of metal... Also this saturday in wakefield the one and only Conquest Of Steel are playing... how could anyone miss that...
Jonoleth said:
Ill definately be there for power quest and intense... how could i miss that one... mercury rain are with them aswell arent they? should be a great night of metal... Also this saturday in wakefield the one and only Conquest Of Steel are playing... how could anyone miss that...

Hate to be the one to break the news here but Mercury Rain are not playing on the PQ/Intense tour now due to recording commitments. However, if I have just read a thread correctly on this board Humanity have stepped into the breach! I shall be there with the feathered one! Shall we have a mini board meet up?
I think we shalll... humanity, if i remember them right, should be worthy replacements for Mercury Rain... A meet up would be awesome, a good chat over a few ales... should do that at W.A.S.P. too... or everyone should come to see Conquest Of Steel in Wakefield on saturday... you cant fail to love them cos theyr comedy Manowar-esque metal... a good night would be had by all!
Jonoleth said:
I think we shalll... humanity, if i remember them right, should be worthy replacements for Mercury Rain... A meet up would be awesome, a good chat over a few ales... should do that at W.A.S.P. too... or everyone should come to see Conquest Of Steel in Wakefield on saturday... you cant fail to love them cos theyr comedy Manowar-esque metal... a good night would be had by all!

Yeah post the details and i'll try and come with nudger and meet up with y'all
Its this saturday at 8 at the snooty fox in wakefield, if you dont know wakey, we'll meet you somewhere, shall be good to meet some fellow metalheads... theyre a bit thin on the ground in Wakefield... Drop me a PM if you want to arrange...