How much do you fucking hate The Beatles?

Melinda's Lover said:
Whoever doesn't appreciate The Beatles is either super close minded or an idiot.

Enjoying their music is something nobody forces you to do, but knowing their spot in the history of music is important. Remember, boys, no Beatles = no Sabbath = no metal.

Whoever would say something as ridiculous as that is obviously a moron. I think the music they made sounds wretched. They had almost no talent at playing instruments, the recording quality was low even for that time period, and the vocals are utterly abysmal.
Almost no talent? They're known as one of the most talented rock bands intrumentally for a reason. As for the vocals being abysmal...meh, I'm not fond of them, but they still had talent. If you don't like them it's fine, just don't give bullshit reasons for it. Dislike for them doesn't = lack of talent.
You can say the beatles were essential and without them no metal, but it is bollocks.

Its not the band, its the era...the culture of music, no one band deserves that amount of respect. If there was no beatles there would be another band in its place that pushed music forward (and was with all the similar bands of the time).

If there was no black sabbath or no led zeppelin it is highly likely that other bands doing the same thing with same influences would have come around.

So thats why the beatles are overrated, praise the era of music not the band.

They were just the most famous of that time, just as nirvana became the most famous "grunge" band and often said the best, when in fact there were many other bands doing the same style just as good or better.

Me, I dont enjoy their music...i prefer the beach boys, but generally I just prefer the evolution of that music and its result.
i dont like their music at all i just cant stomach these guys and it funny what ritchie blackmore said about them in the early 70s no one took them serious other than teenage girls and thet had very little musically to offer everything about them is complete revisionism all propagada to sell cds off a dead band remember baby boomer control the media thats why they bash younger bands from 70s and on.
i hate the beatles about as much as i hate blink 182, avril lavigne, and every other rock band that writes such drivel as "love me do" and "sk8erboi". utterly worthless.
Finally somebody who doesnt think the beatles are the BEST BAND EVER. I really dont have anything against them. so the thread starter is quite harsh. But i think that a lot of people think the beatles are incredible because they heard it a lot growing up. I dont know, i would rather listen to so many other bands. Is that a crime? But kudos totheir originality. i give them respect.
I've heard alot of stuff by them, but I would never buy one of their albums because its just not my type of music. They were great and all but I dont see them as the most influential band ever or anything.
hardcore said:
Finally somebody who doesnt think the beatles are the BEST BAND EVER. I really dont have anything against them. so the thread starter is quite harsh. But i think that a lot of people think the beatles are incredible because they heard it a lot growing up. I dont know, i would rather listen to so many other bands. Is that a crime? But kudos totheir originality. i give them respect.

Lol I wasn't being harsh. Did you read my post? I just gave the thread this title to get peoples attention. I'm actually a pretty big beatles fan.
THE BEATLES were an awesome band with stupid lyrics but great melodies that set a revolution in the pop (rock) scene... hell ! they were the first to ever record a multi-track album, to stop making concerts because of the poor conditions those took place... they also were the first to bring world music into western (occidental) music... the first to create their own record company etc...

even if it's not for the music itself, what's not to like about THE BEATLES ???
I like their early stuff....When they were still touring, But when they went into the studio, They just got too weird for me
T.I.E. said:
they were the first to ever record a multi-track album

i don't believe that. les paul invented the 4 track long before the fab 4 were a real band.
even if it's not for the music itself, what's not to like about THE BEATLES ???
how about the absurd amount of merchandising. beatles dolls, lunchboxes, etc. they commercialized music in a way that was unprecedented.
I AM TEH WALRUS CHAKTDOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! i always wanted to scream that in class and run out but i havent yet ... =( someoen do it 4 mes