How much do you fucking hate The Beatles?

sonofhendrix13 said:
Actually, I don't mind them. I know they were mostly pop but I like alot of their psychedelic stuff like Strawberry Fields Forever and Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds. I don't see why so many people hate them just because they aren't in the least bit heavy. Is their anyone here who shares my view?

Quoting the original poster.... I feel the exact same way. The later Beatles stuff is great. The early Beatles is purely bubble-gum pop. As they matured into a band as well as hooked up with their famous producer and started experimenting with drugs, they turned into a totally different entity.

Good point actually.

I won't be destroying any cds by them anytime soon for doing that,but they were the first major, all male ,shared vocal act with a penchant for doing sexual innuendo and corny romance songs to death-along with a really rough trade image too.All of which appeals to teeny boppers to this day.
Fredy_Brown said:
I don´t hate them becauste they´re not heavy....the would be lame.
I hate them becauste they made a boy bands standart.

true and false

true because, judging by the reaction of the girls in the audience, they were, indeed, a boys band

false because that wasn't intentional of them
The Beatles have written some of the most classic Pop/Rock songs of our times. They have a great catalog of songs (even though most are no longer than 3 minutes). I like to listen to them from time to time and I just recently bought Paul McCartney live in Russia and he plays A lot of the Beatles standards live. All that said, I think the Beatles are terribly overrated in the sense that their songs were too short (see the 3 minute standard) and simplistic a whole lot of the time. I feel that they are held a little too high in most people's regards, and it is unfortunate that those are the people with not a whole lot of underground music knowledge. Rush is a more creative band than the Beatles ever were and the Prog band Yes had MUCH better vocal harmonies as well, IMHO.

And I prefer Wings over the Beatles also.

unknown said:
also, the problem with led zeppelin is jimmy page became horribly sloppy as the years progressed. When he played live? he picked the strings but hardly any notes sounded.

Absolutely correct. Ever live piece of footage I have seen of Page is downright horrible. What a pathetic live guitarist. Can't you play your own music straight?

That said, Zep made some really good studio albums (particularly LZ 4).
Strangest thing about Page is that some of the best guitar work he ever did was on IN THROUGH THE OUTDOOR-Zep's last album (I don't include CODA).
But I would agree that he never played taht well live.
McGarnicle said:
Why I hate Paul McCartney10.He likes George W. Bush and wants all Americans to support him. Like we need some trillionaire Brit telling us how to be good Americans.

Yes, and like it or not, there is one other pontificating,neo-conservative,kiss-ass to bush
richie rockstar who practically danced a goddamned jig at a Bush fundraising dinner and whose name we DARE not speak of in an ill mannered fashion for fear of offending all of the "True" Metal fans out there...

Let's just say that he has his own crappy T.V. show and his stage name and his last name both begin with the letter O!
Yes, and like it or not, there is one other pontificating,neo-conservative,kiss-ass to bush
richie rockstar who practically danced a goddamned jig at a Bush fundraising dinner and whose name we DARE not speak of in an ill mannered fashion for fear of offending all of the "True" Metal fans out there...

Let's just say that he has his own crappy T.V. show and his stage name and his last name both begin with the letter O!

thank godlessness that the other side can counter with warrior-poets such as Springsteen and Eddie Vedder. :rock:
I think hating the beatles seems to be a popular thing with younger people nowadays. Why? I don't know, I can't figure out any of the shit that's popular. Personally, I love The Beatles. I hate their earlier stuff, but their psychadelic material was oustanding. I mean, c'mon, Tommy and the boys must have seen something when they covered I Want You.
#1_Droogie said:
I think hating the beatles seems to be a popular thing with younger people nowadays. Why? I don't know, I can't figure out any of the shit that's popular.

Nothing is more popular amoung lil' squirts these days than obsessing on what they hate about music and all of the "morons" who don't like what they like.
There are alot of young listeners out there that have a mature attitude about music and respecting other people's tastes-but they are not the most vocal fans.
The Beatles were brilliant, and amazing, and they made a lot of great music... without them there would be none of your favorite bands, most likely.
There is very little in this world that's more amusing than reading over pages of metal kids spouting whatver "facts" they think they possess about the Beatles and whatever utterly incorrect map they've drawn of the progression of music throughout the 60's/70's.

I don't think I read a single post in this one that didn't have at least 1 historical error or pop-culture fallacy. Most were completely wrong, or at least the opinions were tragically ill-informed.

Hee-larious. :D
sonofhendrix13 said:
Actually, I don't mind them. I know they were mostly pop but I like alot of their psychedelic stuff like Strawberry Fields Forever and Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds. I don't see why so many people hate them just because they aren't in the least bit heavy. Is their anyone here who shares my view?

I don't have any problem with em.