How much do you fucking hate The Beatles?

Teh Grimarse said:
There is very little in this world that's more amusing than reading over pages of metal kids spouting whatver "facts" they think they possess about the Beatles and whatever utterly incorrect map they've drawn of the progression of music throughout the 60's/70's.

I don't think I read a single post in this one that didn't have at least 1 historical error or pop-culture fallacy. Most were completely wrong, or at least the opinions were tragically ill-informed.

Hee-larious. :D

This is actually true.

How old are you guys: 11?

A little history will go a long way toward making you not look stupid.

Anyway, the Beatles are the best band in rock. Who cares if they're "metal"?! :confused:
sonofhendrix13 said:
Actually, I don't mind them. I know they were mostly pop but I like alot of their psychedelic stuff like Strawberry Fields Forever and Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds. I don't see why so many people hate them just because they aren't in the least bit heavy. Is their anyone here who shares my view?

I agree 100% with you. I love their late 60's psychodelic stuff. I don't like the bubblegum pop stuff they did earlier in their careers. I even like Paul McCatney's stuff with The Wings in the 70's. The Beatles really revolutionized a lot of theings in the late 60's with their experimental stuff. It is ashamed, they are credited for mostly their early stuff and being an icon for teen girls.

**Jester** said:
Its not the band, its the era...the culture of music, no one band deserves that amount of respect. If there was no beatles there would be another band in its place that pushed music forward (and was with all the similar bands of the time).

If there was no black sabbath or no led zeppelin it is highly likely that other bands doing the same thing with same influences would have come around.

So thats why the beatles are overrated, praise the era of music not the band.

They were just the most famous of that time, just as nirvana became the most famous "grunge" band and often said the best, when in fact there were many other bands doing the same style just as good or better.
Agreed. But its not that the Beatles (or Nirvana) are overrated...they did have an enormous amounts of musical influence. Its just that there's kind of a cult of Beatles worship that doesn't acknowledge the other influential bands of the era. My knowledge of 60s music isn't that great, so I'll use the example of Pink Floyd fanatics that have no idea who Uriah Heep or Genesis are.

Also, White Album > Sgt Pepper's

Bands that are REALLY overrated:
Motley Crue/Twisted Sister/<insert 80s hair band>
The Ramones
I don't care about their influential value, i think they are incredibly overrated because there were a LOT better bands than them in the 60s, and The Beatles are supposed to be "best band evah" .. or something. They never released a "Forever Changes" or "Surrealistic Pillow".
IOfTheStorm said:
They never released a "Surrealistic Pillow".


I imagine Jefferson Airplane (or whoever they are now) would be among the first to tell you that they're no Beatles.

Not that that makes it so. But it is (so).
Brooks said:
Greatest band ever. Anyone who doesn't like them is a fool, and deserves no respect.

You are my hero. Long live The Beatles. P.S, John Lennon is the greatest.
well, The Baetles were the only band I listened to until I was 14 (along with Aerosmith and Creedence Clearwater Revival)... I owned all their albums, could sing along with every single song and well... they're an important band for me I guess.... I still think "Abbey Road" is the best album ever made, and "Something" their best song... (yeap... George Harrison is my idol with John)....
The beatles was the first rock-n-roll band I ever dad used to play them when I was a kid.My favorite song by them is Bluejay Way on the Magical Mystery tour.The Beatles were an all-time great.Taxman from their Revolver album is another Great of theirs plus many many of their other great Rock-n-Roll classics.The Walrus was covered by so many bands Yeah!!
Decollated Pariah said:
Heh. This is bullshit. For one, The Beatles only got any influential at all after Sergeant Pepper's, and that album was a DIRECT response to the massively superior Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys. So, in many ways, The Beach Boys were a far more influential and important band than the Beatles. Also, King Crimson in 1969 did more for intelligent music than the Beatles ever did.

Yeah..??Well Charles Manson taught the beach boys something,didn't he:tickled:
Decollated Pariah said:
For one, The Beatles only got any influential at all after Sergeant Pepper's

Of all the stupid ridiculousness in this thread, I single out this phrase as the ridiculousest.

Rubber Soul and Revolver, not influential...? :OMG:

Fuck the retards that can't understand the importance, depth, and positive impact of The Beatles on music. Then again, I guess if you live in your narrow, straightforward metal-only world, it would probably be hard to comprehend :rolleyes:
the beatles got me into music. i still think there great, even if you dont like them they still changed rock for the better. there might not even be metal nowadays if the beatles never came....or at least the metal heads wouldnt have long hair :grin:
IOfTheStorm said:
I see that The Beatles fanboys are easily comparable with the Opeth fanboys. Geez, there were 2345232324324 better albums released in the 60s than ANY Beatles album.
Get over yourselves.

i don't really get into the stuff before revolver much but revolver and everything after until they disbanded had some really cool stuff in it.not every single song but at least half of every album. there were about 2345232324324 albums better than any single group in any single year better than than any group of that year anyways:goggly: