How much do you fucking hate The Beatles?

The Beatles are THE rock & roll band. They were creative, original and pushed the envelope late in their careers. I think they deserve the accolades they recieve. There will simply never be another band as big as The Beatles and if their was, it would probably be some big corporate prefabricated hooror. The Beatles started out touring dive bars in Germany and then conquered the whole planet in a way no other band before them ever did. Not even Elvis...
Beatles here and there almost everywhere. Damn it how many times can man compare many bands to them. They were great in their time but now that star has faded so let go and die natural death. No more Beatles end of trasnmission. :heh:
I don't see why people are turds just for not liking a certain band. You can't FORCE yourself to like something.

It's those who say "i h8 the beetlez tehy am so borign!!11. tehri musix sux :)" who you should be flaming. Only an idiot can fail to respect what they've done for music in their time and ours.
Skyld said:
I don't see why people are turds just for not liking a certain band. You can't FORCE yourself to like something.

It's those who say "i h8 the beetlez tehy am so borign!!11. tehri musix sux :)" who you should be flaming. Only an idiot can fail to respect what they've done for music in their time and ours.

Well people who are turds can't force themselves not to be turds, right?
The Beatles did so much stuff that was ahead of their time it's not even funny. They are influential to almost every genre of music out there (?uestlove from The Roots said The Beatles influence him in a lot of stuff, Ozzy said that when he was a kid he adored The Beatles and they were one of his biggest influences, obvious influences in pop/rock, etc) and also were one of the forefathers of the concept album. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is easily one of the top albums of all time.
dcowboys311 said:
The Beatles did so much stuff that was ahead of their time it's not even funny. They are influential to almost every genre of music out there (?uestlove from The Roots said The Beatles influence him in a lot of stuff, Ozzy said that when he was a kid he adored The Beatles and they were one of his biggest influences, obvious influences in pop/rock, etc) and also were one of the forefathers of the concept album. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is easily one of the top albums of all time.
I don't mind them, but I don't listen to them in my spare time. I don't necessarily think they're overrated but I do think they get talked about and mentioned a bit too often, which maybe took some of the enjoyment out of it for me... But I won't deny their influence, they have got a lot of it.

And to add to that, I blame for every overrated band ever. They know about 5 different artists yet somehow make millions of top 10 videos relating to music... They really are the definition of bland and generic.
Haven't honestly listened to them in years, but I remember really enjoying their music from 1968 onward.

I guess the fact that it's been years since I've listened to them probably says a lot.
The Beatles were my first musical love. When I was a kid I was more into McCartney's material and when I got older I got more into Harrison and Lennon's. I understand that people hate them because of shit like Yellow Submarine and Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da, but there is much gold to be found amongst the dross.
Honestly I've always had a burning vicious hate for The Beatles. So overhyped and I don't feel they live up to it at all.

I don't necessarily hate basic music (I love black metal ffs), but I find 99.9% of their music lacks serious depth.

I enjoy the song "I Am The Walrus"... but that's it, and only because of nostalgia (one of the first rock songs I ever heard). Other than that, no fucking thanks.
Honestly I've always had a burning vicious hate for The Beatles. So overhyped and I don't feel they live up to it at all.

I don't necessarily hate basic music (I love black metal ffs), but I find 99.9% of their music lacks serious depth.

I enjoy the song "I Am The Walrus"... but that's it, and only because of nostalgia (one of the first rock songs I ever heard). Other than that, no fucking thanks.
Of course they were overhyped, especially to begin with. Beatlemania was a real thing, and it's a credit to them that they came out of that and managed to stay together and make different and inspired music for as long as they did before disintegrating. That you label their music 'basic' when it is so varied tells me that you know sweet fuck all about them. How many of their albums have you listened to from start to finish?
"Sweet fuck all"? Fuck right off.

I've listened to most of their discography front-to-back, I gave them a fair chance. The only albums I haven't heard (in full) are Please Please Me, and With The Beatles... so basically everything but the first two, front-to-back.

That you assume I "know sweet fuck all", just because I find their music generally pretty basic and devoid of depth, is exactly what I am talking about by the band being overhyped, and exactly what I was trying not to outright say, by most Beatles fans I've encountered being total pricks.
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Haha most Beatles fans are total pricks? Do you have any other mindless sweeping generalisations you'd like to throw in the mix?

I just cannot understand how anyone can listen to say The White Album from start to finish and say their music lacks depth. It's an odd criticism. I mean if you don't like their music then fine but fuck man it's anything but shallow.
All the interesting stuff The Beatles did was done better by Frank Zappa & The Mothers, it took years for this to dawn on me.

Every now and then I listen to Let It Be though because I like the raw emotion on the record. In fact I think everybody's solo material outclasses The Beatles material by a great margin.
All the interesting stuff The Beatles did was done better by Frank Zappa & The Mothers, it took years for this to dawn on me.

Every now and then I listen to Let It Be though because I like the raw emotion on the record. In fact I think everybody's solo material outclasses The Beatles material by a great margin.
Zappa is a legend... Why is there not a thread dedicated to him? Anyone?
I don't necessarily hate basic music (I love black metal ffs), but I find 99.9% of their music lacks serious depth.
Their music is not basic; maybe by today's terms, but it provided a new outlet for musicians. At the time the jazz scene was getting out of hand to the point where there was almost no emotion and it was essentially just a bunch of musicians wanking over their instruments. From a technical standpoint they were good, but no musician is wholly good without emotion and jazz at that time had lost almost all of that, with exceptions here and there. The scene improved again later on, when jazz rock/fusion came around.
For example, Ringo's beats may have been simple, but for someone who had spent their entire life playing in big bands, playing a four on the floor rock beat in a straight feel was like learning drums all over again. Seriously, watching some of the best jazz drummers play Ringo's grooves would be just hilarious, because they don't play that style at all.
They were a breath of fresh air in a world that needed something to keep it exciting. They were a vital part of rock, like it or not. I'm not a big Beatles fan at all but you've gotta give them credit. They are very over-hyped in certain crowds, but that's just a side effect of selling 600 million records.