I guess I should get some weights then.
Hahahahaha, to be honest, it's really quite shit. Though I do drink a decent amount of water, I drink a lot of Coke too, and fruit punch. I eat way too much canned/frozen food. I honestly don't know anything at all as far as nutrition goes. I have no idea what types of food I should be eating except for the fact that I could be eating a lot more fruits and vegetables.
Anyway, thanks to both of you for your help. I'm going to try to be more conscious of what I eat and try to eat more fruits and vegetables. One more question, however; any tips on what makes a good cardio plan? My plan is to have a cardio plan as my basis for getting into shape and supplementing it with some weights, in addition to eating better. I've been putting this off for far too long.
Dont go in overhaul right off the bat or youll get burnt out...as far as nutrition goes. Its a learning process. Keep it simple by:
- getting into the habit of reading nutritional fact labels
- try eating at least 5 small meals per day, this will keep your metabolism up
- AVOID soft drinks, if you really must...grab the diet kind. You may wanna stay away from fruit juices as well tbh.
- Try to keep the dual intake of carbs & fat to a minimum...especially in conjunction with starches. Meaning, if you are eating pasta/bread/white potatoes, eat lean protein sources with it like chicken breast, turkey breast etc. If you are eating a hamburger, skip the bun and fries. Either carb/pro or pro/fat meals, so to speak. Try replacing the starches with veggies though and it has a lot less of an impact. (This all has to do with blood sugar levels and insulin spikes, but dont worry about the technical side of it, as long as you know what to do first, then you can read up on the why)
- Keep carbs to a minimum later in the day...try getting them in early. Your body utilizes them better early in the day, as well as your metabolism being a bit faster.
- Drink AT LEAST 1/2 gallon of water/day.
- Always have some kind of protein source with each meal.
- Take a good multivitamin.
- Get a good 7-8 hours of sleep in per night.
As far as cardio, you can do that without even joining a gym. Go for a brisk walk. Play some hoops. If you have a track at your campus, jog some laps. Do wind sprints. There are so many possibilities.
If you can come up with some kind of regimen that can take into account most of the things above, I guarantee you that youll see improvements. Unless you are taking in more calories than you are expending, which shouldnt happen if you drop the the bad stuff you are earting and replace it with good stuff, like soda/juice for water, starches for fruits&veggies, etc. Also, a calorie isnt just a calorie. You can eat 2500 calories of nothing but shit and look like a completely different person by eating 2500 calories of good, nutritious and balanced food. (dont use that 2500 calories as a benchmark for anything, as I dont know your lbm, bmr, etc)