How Much You Bench?

no... I have crappy french genetics. My brother got luckier and had the german genetic pool of the family. He can eat everything he wants without training much and look like Jackie Chan.
So I cancelled my Squat day for the week in favor of a 5 day straight heavy cardio routine. I'm not sure if this was a good decision or not. But I had to choose one or the other as Squats would have given me an anal penetration sensation that would have hindered cardio vascular performance. Fuck will see... I'll resume squats next weekend.

Doomcifer, am I a foolish in this decision??!? Basically I want to put a colossal dent in my brew patch. I've already made substantial progress through diet, but the cardio has been sporadic. Mostly just N Ball once or twice a week. I wish to hit the ellipiticals and treadmills with gusto. Aye Aye Argh!
Yeah, just make damn well sure your diet is on point by doing the calculations and dont overdue it. 5 days/week of heavy cardio on a caloric deficit can get you feeling like shit REALLY fast.

If you want to stick to weights mostly, stick to 10-12 rep range, and cut your rest periods between sets to 45 seconds between sets and 60-75 seconds between excercises. Workouts should last no longer than 30 minutes in that fashion because of the cut in rest time, and often considerably less than that even. Then go hop on the treadmill/eliptical/whatever for a good 15-20 minutes.

Always listen to your body...if its telling you to slow down and you feel the fatigue setting iin and the achiness, take a day off.

If possible, if you can hit the cardio upon waking up from slumber, on an empty stomach, even the better.
I've only really recently incorporated squats into my training, but I think my technique needs some help.

I've been doing smith machine squats. Reading around on the net some people seem to think these are a bad idea, others think they are fine. I'd be interested to hear what people here think? My lower back has been aching the day after doing them and I think it's because I don't keep my back straight enough. Any suggestions on where I might be going wrong?