How Much You Bench?

Repping 275, my goal is 315 so I dont get man shamed at this gym of thunder. Swear to goat theres some dames here that id put money on to whip dudes asses. (Ye have seen the average 20 something aye, not a bad bet.)

Saw a dame the other day that was probably 280, uglier than Peak Chyna. Bitch was fooqin huge, ugly, brolic, and didnt give a snort. No way in hell would even a butch dyke lick her twat. I respect this musk oxen though, bint found her self esteem at the end of a barbell.

Anyhow, Im giving up drinking again for 4 wks. (Going on vacation in exactly such, so perfect sense.)

With this proclamation, if I cave within this time frame, I'll quit my one true online love. This here forum. :eek:

Need to get healthy, aint gettin yunga.
I honestly havent had a drink in quite some time. Just doesnt seem necessary and I dont miss it at all.

My abs (buried under fat somewhere) are killing me from the 65 GHDs the other day. Hurts to cough.

But all told I feel great these days. Just always sore somewhere.

Gotta kill this deadlift in a bit.
sad but true. other than the twice a week or so in-and-out (not the nasty burger), i dont miss having a chick around. just a bunch of fn drama.

just need a chick that wants to spread the legs, get it done, and go home. none of this clingy shit
maybe original poster has low-skeloton weight, which could prolly be fixed with drinking a shit-ton of milk