How old can you be and still live with your parents?

lurch70 said:
yeah, the excuse of living with your parents "to save money" is complete horseshit. from my experience you just spend more because "you can" ... meanwhile learning zero responsibility.
having that rent due at the beginning of the month makes you get off your ass pretty quick :D

this is 100% true. When i had my own apartment i spent much much less then i do now that im back with my parents for while.

also what NAD said about banging on all the furniture is quite true as well :) Especiall cuz i im only 18 so having my own apartment = the god damn fucking shit, because all i had to worry about was doing school crap, working, and geting FUCKING WASTED WOOOOOOOOOOOOOSEXSEXSEXEVERYWHEREBEERWOMENBEERBEERVODKASEXWOOOOOOOOROCK AND ROLLLLL

but yea i hope to move out again ASAP, maybe even to SHHWWEDEN for a while, woooo.
As soon as I go to uni, I'm out of here for good. Sure it's good economically, but fuck living with my mum for any longer than I have to.
20% increased appraisal? Shit if I bought a house 4 years ago that shit would've gone up 300% by now, fucking crazy California housing market. Note: I live in a damn apartment. :bah:

Bought my first car at 18, bought my second at 20, moved out at 22 with some roommates, bought a new truck, graduated college a few months later, at 24 got my own apartment to live naked and gay within, bought another damn new car (bought another old one in the process, god damn sold it and shouldn't have), now I can jerkoff in peace by my damn self.

Pops and I didn't get along so hot until real recently which is why I moved out 4 years ago, but now we're cool and get drunk and stoned together on occasion. I dig my life, but not all the god damn bills I pay. Wanna move to Canada and open up NAD's Music Shoppe and Some Shitz because that would rule.

Damn I'm fucking drunk. :loco:
How the fuck can you guys afford multiple cars? Over here buying a car = moving house, they're so damn expensive to maintain...

Anyway, I say the age is 19, and it'll be 20 next year :Smug:

I can see why people would want to move out asap, when you're younger it's an image thing but once you grow up a bit, you need your independance and/or you don't get on with your family anyway. I'm happy to stick around for a while longer and let my slave work for me :tickled: I kind of inadvertently made a decision to assess my situation and consider moving out after my first year of Uni. Thing is, I love having all this petty cash on hand for whatever I want, and having everything done for me, though my family irriatate me sometimes and I'll be happy to be free of them. Maybe.

Maybe first thing I should do after moving out is get married so I have a new slave? :err:
My parents are great and I didn't mind living with them at all, but this way it's not as far to school and I need to learn shit like cleaning and cooking and responsibility and getting shitfaced in the middle of the week and getting beat up by my pals and waking up naked on the floor without anyone yelling about it.
I moved out last summer (when I was twenty) and it felt wonderful. I'd felt suffocated and trappred for the last year of living at home. My parents' house is pretty small plus that I had my room in the middle of the house next to the living room, which means no privacy whatsoever, which I liked very much as a scared seven year old; but which obviously sucked pretty damn bad as I got older

I enjoy living on my own very much, not that I dislike my family very much, rather because I enjoy the stillness and solitude of my apartment more; I guess I'm kind of a loner. Perhaps I'll feel different in a couple of years but right now I would never be able to live at my old house for any longer periods. And besides, I love cooking so food is no argument :grin:
Tough question. I suppose as long as you're still in school, it's cool. I think it's also different for guys than it is for girls. I think there's also a double standard at play. If two 25 year olds meet in a bar, and the guy is living at home, the girl may lose interest. If the girl still lives at home, I don't think the guy will care.

spaffe said:
I moved out last summer (when I was twenty) and it felt wonderful. I'd felt suffocated and trappred for the last year of living at home. My parents' house is pretty small plus that I had my room in the middle of the house next to the living room, which means no privacy whatsoever, which I liked very much as a scared seven year old; but which obviously sucked pretty damn bad I got older

I enjoy living on my own very much, not that I dislike my family very much, rather because I enjoy the stillness and solitude of my apartment more; I guess I'm kind of a loner. Perhaps I'll feel different in a couple of years but right now I would never be able to live at my old house for any longer periods. And besides, I love cooking so food is no argument :grin:
Pretty much 100% how I feel, though I haven't moved out yet. I'm 20 and will very very likely move out this summer (and probably move from Umeå as well)
I moved out as I was 19, but not because of conflict or need of independance or anything... Circumstances just wanted it that way, if they had been otherwise maybe I'd still be living at home now (26), so I wouldn't pass any judgement on anyone for that matter.

But with hindsight I'm pretty sure I'll never move to my parents again, unless I go seriously broke or something, and then only for a short while... I prefer the "friends-like" relationship we're having now rather than hanging on their backs all the time - even though I only see them twice a year or so because of the huge distance and timetable restraints, which is the opposite extreme and not really satisfying for both parts as well...
I think it's slightly different for Americans (at least compared to the Brits) just because houses are here are SO friggin' huge. You can live in a house with 3 other people and never see each other. That makes a world of difference.

In England (or at least in London), most people live in small houses that are terraced. It's likely that your bedroom will be on the same floor as everyone else, and you're all sharing ONE bathroom. Also note, there is no such thing as a basement (which is essentially a whole new floor).

I graduated at 22 (left for uni at 18), lived back at home for several months, and saved enough for a downpayment for a house. I bought my first house at 24. For the most part, you only need 5% for a downpayment, and then your mortgage payments are about equal (if not less) to rent.

Rent is ok for inbetween living but otherwise it's a rip off, unless you're the landlord.

So anyway, in England, you really shouldn't be living at home past 21 just because it's incestual at that point. :loco:

Thing is, if you're living at home and working, you should at least chip in on the rent etc. Living at home is one thing, but living at home and working, yet freeloding off your parents is lame. Share the burden mofos.
Ayeka said:
How the fuck can you guys afford multiple cars? Over here buying a car = moving house, they're so damn expensive to maintain...
They are? I never spent much maintaining my old beaters, but I did all the work myself so maybe that's why. Maintenance on a new car is easy, just oil changes and the occasional shit like spark plugs and various fluids. Then again I exclusively drive superior and reliable Japanese vehicles, major car repairs aren't necessary too often. :cool:

JayKeeley said:
and then your mortgage payments are about equal (if not less) to rent.
HA! Come to California, if I bought an entry level house my mortgage would be double my already-not-cheap rent. :erk:
I'd say around 22 is about the latest anyone should live at home, unless there are extenuating circumstances. For me, I moved back into my uncle's house when I was 21. I payed a very small amount of rent and borrowed money for stuff like a computer, but as soon as I got a steady job, I started paying him back. Got that all squared away, then moved into an apartment with some friends (I was 22 then). Moved around a few times, then bought a house just before I turned 25. Then my mom came and lived with me for a while, paying me rent even. Kind of a backwards situation, but she couldn't afford her own place. After a year, she moved out and I had roommates for a while. They are moving out now because I'm getting married in May.

Anyway, I think people learn a lot more responsibility when they have to live on their own.
I guess I'm a loser, since everyone here seems to think I should've graduated college (at age 22, btw), gotten a job straightaway (which I did, earning $24K annual in NYC), and rented/bought a place immediately. Yeah, that's feasible in the northeast.