how old were u?

A friend of mine told of this band back in '96 mostly because Garm and Infernus played on the first record, I was 14. First album I listen was Empiricism when I was 19. Now I'm 24
omg u guys have been fans for soo long... i heard resonance in 2004 and i luved it..b4 that time i was listening to crap like linkin park and limp bizkit and stupid wannabe metal rappy stuff like that.. but now i've learned to like better music and not mostly main stream stuff.. well, not all main stream is bad.. but some of it sux..(by main stream i mean radio music). NOW i listen to bands like slayer,borknagar,frost like ashes,as i lay dying,trivium,pantera and metal stuff like that. but borknagar is and always will be my favorite band of all time
15 or 16 when I first heard them, can't remember 17. But years of listening have been put in during that time. :)

I listened to crap before as well, and when I heard 'The Presence is Ominous' the first time, I wasn't even aware it was possible for music to have that kind of effect. I actually never took music that seriously that it could actually be that good (of course listening to a lot of crap and thinking it's good beforehand makes the good seem better). Needless to say I WAS HOOKED! I have all their albums now of course... I have three Vintersorg albums, I just got the Cronian album.

In any case, Borknagar is one of the few metal bands I will actually often listen to (although not recently because I have listened to them too much for the time being). I can't listen to any bands like Trivium, As I Lay Dying etc., all the new popular ones, because they're simply not that great to me. Of course Opeth is one of the popular ones these days but I love their music.
Wow, so many of you guys are so young. I feel like an old fart. Posted on this topic before, but I read the rest of the posts and started to feel my age. I actually purchased The Olden Domain when it came out and was an instant Borknagar fan. Just keeps getting better from there. Now if I can just see Borknagar live before I die my world will be complete.
Keltoi said:
Now if I can just see Borknagar live before I die my world will be complete.

Yeah, I know what you mean... where I live that may never happen. Ah well, at least you were into the scene before Emperor broke up! By the time I discovered them, they were long finished! (At least Ihsahn is back now!)
Nick_Perrin said:
Yeah, I know what you mean... where I live that may never happen. Ah well, at least you were into the scene before Emperor broke up! By the time I discovered them, they were long finished! (At least Ihsahn is back now!)

I take it you're not going to one of the shows Emperor are doing next month?

If I had the cash to have seen Emperor back in 1999, I would have discovered Borknagar earlier. :erk:
seeing borknagar live is also one of the many things on my 'to-do-list-before-dying'. :D

@sumaretsu: how long have you known Emperor? sure sucks that you weren't able to see them in '99. those shows in the US 'Kings of Terror tour' or something like that, they're now legendary. if i'm not mistaken it's the only tour Borknagar ever did in the US? correct me if i'm wrong.

i'm not really sure yet if i'm gonna see Emperor at Wacken.
Azzor1911 said:
seeing borknagar live is also one of the many things on my 'to-do-list-before-dying'. :D

@sumaretsu: how long have you known Emperor? sure sucks that you weren't able to see them in '99. those shows in the US 'Kings of Terror tour' or something like that, they're now legendary. if i'm not mistaken it's the only tour Borknagar ever did in the US? correct me if i'm wrong.

i'm not really sure yet if i'm gonna see Emperor at Wacken.

I've been listening to Emperor since 1999 (whatever year that IX - Equilibrium was released) when my former roommate gave me a promotional copy of IX - Equilibrium from Century Black. I rapidly picked up their entire catalog within about a month and was disappointed when I saw the ticket prices for their Los Angeles show and didn't have enough money in my account to purchase a ticket.

To date, I don't know if Borknagar has done any other shows in the US. though I'm sure someone will be happy to correct me if I'm wrong. :kickass:
so i assume now you've saved some cash for a ticket for one of the Emperor shows in a few weeks? when exactly is it?
Azzor1911 said:
so i assume now you've saved some cash for a ticket for one of the Emperor shows in a few weeks? when exactly is it?

Actually, I just got my car insurance settlement (after 10 months...bunch of dickheads), so I've got the cash, though I purchased my ticket a while back. Seeing the first Los Angeles show on Sunday, July 16th at the Key Club. It cost quite a bit ($70), but I know the band is going to be getting charged quite a bit for plane tickets, costs, etc. and still want to make a profit, so I'm not complaining. 'Tis a business, after all.

I'll post pictures and 30 second video clips of the show from my phone when I have the chance.
I first heard Borknagar when I was 29, I think. I'm just about to turn 36. I'd love to see them live, but their rumoured UK tour with Amaran a few years ago was stillborn, and they haven't played here since. I keep toying with the idea of going over to Scandinavia or mainland Europe to see them, but money's a bit tighter than it once was, so I have to plan my spending carefully. Hopefully they'll make it easy by playng the UK at some point.
Nick_Perrin said:
Yeah, I know what you mean... where I live that may never happen.

It is more likely to happen than that happening here! :waah: Though since Borknagar never tours America I guess the possibilities are mmore less hte same.

I actually started listening to Borknagar about a year ago, knowing it was Borknagar. I had already heard some stuff (The Olden Domain I think), but didn't know the name of the band hehe.