how old were u?

Sorry Stained Class, I think I got you beat. I got into Borknagar in early 2002 when I was 44, and now I am 48!


Ulf said:
Sorry Stained Class, I think I got you beat. I got into Borknagar in early 2002 when I was 44, and now I am 48!



Hey Ulf you're old enough to have seen a lot of old band in their better days. Have you ever saw Metallica with Cliff Burton?
bngRox17!! said:
how old were u when u first discovered borknagar? i was 12 and i'm 14 now

Dude you are lucky! You have your whole younger life to enjoy Borknagar!

I'm 18 and discovered them when I was around 16.
I first got into the Bork when I heard Quintessence after it first came out, which would make me 14 (I'm 20 now).