just dont be a fool, wrap your tool
Nah, I never regretted it, because it's been 4 years now and i'm still with the same guyi think that everyone regrets it at one point or another. i only regret that my mum found out
Nah, I never regretted it, because it's been 4 years now and i'm still with the same guyI'm so glad that I didn't have sex with any of the guys I almost did it with, because then it would've pissed me off when i had the chance to do it with the _perfect_ guy
if u r older when u loose it, shouldn't the first time suck much less should u have lost it when u were really young?
I was the first person in my year to lose mine. Dont wait just fuck, fuck, FUCK!!!
i have no idea, but i wouldnt like to have fucked like 100 people before i get married. Thats disgusting... and if you wait, you ll probabily have less to regret after.
I think it is better to wait until you really feel ready to do it... and not do it with the first one to come because your friends already lost their virginity.
because surely u have to trust them since u r going to make a complete fool of yourself the first time... as is always the case with everyone.