How old were you

I Was/am 13...

It was a few months ago =/

Atm I dont regret it one bit... I love the girl, ALOT!

Anyway, roumors went round my school about it, and teachers got involved, then Parents, and now almost the police... I do not think it was foolish decision, as I acted 'Grown Up' after...

I had to break it to my parents, That wasnt pretty...

I then went round to her house, apologised... etc...

I have never been more scared the moment I knocked on that door, my girlfriend said her parents would KILL me if they ever saw me...

But thank God (or Satan) that they realised I was 'Grown Up in the way I act' (their words), and crap...

Shit that sucks. I kinda guessed you are 13 because you haven't gotten past the hating Emo's thing. Stereotypes are stupid, the only ones I really have are good people and bad people.

Not to burst your bubble (I love saying that) but when you're 13 relationships aren't the best. They almost never work out. I know from experience. I don't know if I would have a gf now but I think I know what kind of gf I want more than I used to.
Meh... Her parents hate me again = /

Like REALLY hate me... Her dad knocked on my door and asked for me...
Then the next day my gf said he was gunna 'do me in'...

Aye... Long-term relationships, probs won't work, at my age...
But should that stop me from trying?

I love this girl (or what I belive love to be), and what if she is the right girl for me, but I put it off just incase it won't work?

Anyway, we're coming up to a year soon... that longer than most peopkle my age's relationships = /
Breaking up with someone just in case because it might not work is somehow strange
But you should have waited till you both are older to have sex. I am now trying to imagine myself when i was 13, and the idea having sex at that time sounds really dumb and disgusting. You are still kids... You should also have thought of what would happen if it was disovered.

Now your relationship may break up because of the parents who hate you.
I disagree.. if you felt ready, then it was probably the right thing to do. But you should have thought of her dad. Not to defend his actions, but knowing him you probably should have seen it coming and should have broken it down gently or something.
^you might think you are feeling ready when you're 13 but I don't think you are old and mature enough then to know for sure.
well said.
12-13 is also the time around where most people start to be "interested" in sex, because of the changes that happen in the body at that age. So i'd say that so early you are not mature enough about it. Your organs are not even fully grown at that age (it varies from one person to another, but i speak generally...)
Meh... Her parents hate me again = /

Like REALLY hate me... Her dad knocked on my door and asked for me...
Then the next day my gf said he was gunna 'do me in'...

Aye... Long-term relationships, probs won't work, at my age...
But should that stop me from trying?

I love this girl (or what I belive love to be), and what if she is the right girl for me, but I put it off just incase it won't work?

Anyway, we're coming up to a year soon... that longer than most peopkle my age's relationships = /

Dude you're 13, you have lots of changing to do. You're probably gonna look back on her and think "was I serious?"

By the way your sig is too big, and the Emo fad is really getting old. Don't be one of those people who clings onto something after its gotten old.
Anyway, roumors went round my school about it, and teachers got involved, then Parents, and now almost the police... I do not think it was foolish decision, as I acted 'Grown Up' after...

I had to break it to my parents, That wasnt pretty...

Why did you have to break it to your parents? I learnt the hard way that parents WILL go to the police regarding their underage childs precious virginity.

And I lost mine at 15.