how to get jeff loomis tone? HELP

try telling this to your mother and see if she felt this somehow respectful
That is just absurd. My mother would have no opinion because she does not play guitar nor does she have a nutsack. Not to mention she is not a fan of Jeff Loomis.

i wont stop asking things just because theres a risk to have a looser that might answer it in a low way.

A low way? I assure you I was sitting in my chair which is elevated quite high off the floor when I responded to your question. And I guess you do have a point, I do have the reputation of a "looser." Everytime I pull out of your mom's ass it does feel a bit looser.

A looser: someone whose sole role in life is to soften cucumber jar lids so that other people can have an easier time opening them.

That is just absurd. My mother would have no opinion because she does not play guitar nor does she have a nutsack. Not to mention she is not a fan of Jeff Loomis.

A low way? I assure you I was sitting in my chair which is elevated quite high off the floor when I responded to your question. And I guess you do have a point, I do have the reputation of a "looser." Everytime I pull out of your mom's ass it does feel a bit looser.


lol, oh well... thats the risk i was talking about:lol:
12 years old?
isnt this an off-topic guitarrist thread forum?
No it is not.

so stfu and like to "undefined", if you dont want to comment leave.

If you don't like the answers, leave, and perhaps learn to adopt a sense of humor.

what has there about this? cuz i found nothing..

You ask guitar related questions in that thread, as to keep it all in one place. Many people who post on this forum stick to that thread only, you're much, much more likely to get a legit answer.

Did you learn something today? Probably not :(
No it is not.

If you don't like the answers, leave, and perhaps learn to adopt a sense of humor.

You ask guitar related questions in that thread, as to keep it all in one place. Many people who post on this forum stick to that thread only, you're much, much more likely to get a legit answer.

Did you learn something today? Probably not :(

actually i really thought i was in the guitar thread. i guess im not now... its still a cob-off topic that means i can say anything not related to bodom. which makes this topic still okay. anyway, if you guys entered here it was because you wanted.. if some of you feel im annoying, ur the ones who should leave not me :lol: , or simply ignore me and dont answer. if you guys werent just some cowards behind the computer that feel that can say anything they want without the minium respect to anyone you wouldnt be saying that crap. thats what we can get by posting in an internet public forum:lol:

i dont know about you, but i dont like when people besides of ignoring the question, insults you and start saying things like "put the jack up your ass". thats not humor, thats being stupid/kid and offensive.

but as i can see, if you guys feel your life sucks and the best thing you have to do is insult me, be my guest!
if you guys werent just some cowards behind the computer that feel that can say anything they want without the minium respect to anyone you wouldnt be saying that crap. thats what we can get by posting in an internet public forum:lol:

Welcome to the internet!
Jeff and I, bitch, i actually taught him how to play Stairway, coward behind a computer my ass, hoe ass nigga.
i dont know about you, but i dont like when people besides of ignoring the question, insults you and start saying things like "put the jack up your ass". thats not humor, thats being stupid/kid and offensive.
I LOL'd. Delicious, delicious butthurt :lol:

but as i can see, if you guys feel your life sucks and the best thing you have to do is insult me, be my guest!

I truly think life can only "suck" if you don't have a sense of humour. Guess your mom and your life have something in common.

But ok I'll play your game, defensive mode unlocked:

>honour roll
>social as fuck
>in dream program for school
>live in luxury condominium
>50' plasma
>duel wielding 17' mac book pros
>have a bunch of other awesome material possession
>did it all on my own
>dick sucked erry night

HAHA macfaggot!

But seriously, don't bother so much. Dude just had a bad day at the bakery, that's all :D

(joke explanation: The Portuguese are all inbred dim-witted bakers).
its still a cob-off topic that means i can say anything not related to bodom.

And so are we :)

anyway, if you guys entered here it was because you wanted.. if some of you feel im annoying, ur the ones who should leave not me :lol:

No one should leave, its a public forum for everyone! :):):)
But if you ask a question, and no one wants to answer it, sitting there crying, whineing, complaining about us, won't get you an answer to your question. It makes you look like a child having a fit with their parents :lol:

i dont know about you, but i dont like when people besides of ignoring the question

No one ignored it, in fact, a FEW of us were polite, and told you that you would get your answer if you asked in the right place. But instead of taking our advice, you decided to argue with everyone.

start saying things like "put the jack up your ass". thats not humor, thats being stupid/kid and offensive.


deal with it :cool:
Jeff Loomis is a good guitarist, but why would you want to try to copy his tone? Get your own tone.
^ We tend to develop our "own tone" by initially copying guitarists we admire, and realizing what specific things we personally like (and don't like) about said tone. You don't just magically invent and pull a tone out of your ass one day and call it yours.