How to get that smashed drum sound?


Holy Crap! Lions!
Jul 13, 2010
Plymouth, UK
Like here:

I can get totally usable drum sounds but they don't sound as punchy as this. Any tips?
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Yeah, that ^

Ridiculously smashed parallel compression helps a shit ton as well for this sort of sound.

On another note, my band are supporting these guys on the 9th of next month, and that video was shot about a minute's walk from my house :lol:
Kick 10, Snare 12a lol
Like the others said, there's hardly any of the original snare, toms etc left. They may have just programmed the shells and recorded the OHs/rooms live. Other than that, just lots of compression and clipping
I agree with what's been said.

I have a question if I may... I recently discovered something I'm having an issue with. I always send the entire kit to a parallel compression bus that I smashed the shit out of and blend back in, for whatever reason on a recent project I'm working on, muted the parallel compression buss and noticed it was doing this weird almost phase cancelling muffling effect. still not really sure what's going on but after spending way too long to figure it out getting massively frustrated I believe what's causing it is the overhead track.

any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated as its driving me batshit crazy...

I apologize if I shouldn't have posted this hear.
That's because what's being smashed aren't the elements that are right up in your face like the snare or the kick, it's the stuff in the back that glues it together, like the room track, or the parallel comp track, and the overheads :p
yeah, probably running the drum bus in parallel through a 1176 in all butons with the input cranked will do the trick

Is there a plug-in that would be comparable to the 1176? The "reverse look ahead" sounds compelling but I don't have two grand for a new piece of hardware.
transx, parallel compression, Room mic technique, multiband compression.....there's just soooo many ways! TOO many ways!