How to growl - STRAIGHT forward

hey it worked! thanks, all i did was kinda 'push' with my stomach aswell as what i was doing, and now it doesnt hurt at all and sounds, um okish.

now just gotta get the technique ;-)
daz436 said:
im not wanting to sound like a dick cos i cant growl at all but was that supposed to make me laugh? or...

Well, I don't think it's that funny, it's so freaking weird that my stomach turned :s Sry dude that's just pretty strange stuff

And if your troath hurts, just drink water, nothing more nothing less. And if you can affort yourself a microwave then warm the water up for a minute, warm water is good for the troath, I don't mean HOT water, just warm

And if you run out of air quickly it's pretty normal. In the beginning I couldn't even pull of the word Eaten without using all my air, now I can speak a whole line with having air left. Though Lamb of God sings fucking long line's and that's hard somethimes. Go take vocal lessons and you will learn how to maxen up your air in your longue's

I don't sing in a deathmetalband and I will never be, but I think my low growls are theire not bad at all, checkitout
It took me months of practise and still got a way to go
The funny thing is when I hear it when I sing it sounds really low but when I hear that track that I put online it sounds not low at all, I can't go lower for the moment, but I don't practise in going low so that why, I use my mouth to go low but their are other ways with the troath to do it but I just can't pull it of
I sing at a Metalcore/Metal band now
The reason why you can't get to sound like M. Akerfeldt is because all of you use the Tony Bullard Technique to growl.

But this is only the Brutal Death Metal way of growling. Try that in a Haggard Forum and you will be taught that it isn't the "right sound".

I'm pretty sure that Akerfeldt doesn't use the Tony Bullard Technique of growling, instead he uses a progressive form of whisper growls. Like mine, only 100x better.
Cortexon said:
I see then I'll post my stuff.
Cortex' Masters Apprentices

If you think you're still better without the whispering technique, feel free to post your version =)

dude..... that's sounds horrible.... you even lack of the feeling for rhythm :erk:
The links have expired dammit! Can anyone put them back on?
And fuck yeah, the guy from my space (Chaos Incarcerated) fucking rules! And the music is great too! Awesome sound too for a demo. That's how a demo should be.
Tumn said:
Lol, does sound fucking weird.

Butnix, lots of practice required, that sounds horrible! ;)

I need practise for low growling, I only scream with the band I'm playing now, I can do that quite darn good. Growling is just for fun, thihi
The links have expired dammit! Can anyone put them back on?
And fuck yeah, the guy from my space (Chaos Incarcerated) fucking rules! And the music is great too! Awesome sound too for a demo. That's how a demo should be.

Cheers dude!

Those songs are draft versions and the final album is going to be 100x more prog/more keyboard/better riffs BIGGER sound etc...

Anyone else who wants to check them out

Plus heres my vocal stuff for a side project, this is a diff link to the original thread post...

Richard does vocals for the demo and he uses a similar technique to me

sorceron said:
akerfeldt does very quiet growls, ive heard this from a few reputable sources.

Jap, that's right.
Ask Dan Swanö himself if you want.

That's why even Andy can't reach Akerfeldt's growls. And I think if I stay on my technique I can get there in some years. Although I just started this technique some months ago.
I can do it really nicely, but after drinking anything, or just swallowing my spit, i lose it. It would be hard to keep up. I just stick to the tony bullard style
Damn man, Masters' Apprentices is really an amazing song, my favourite from Opeth, and that bit is really fun to growl. I'll see if I can't get a recording of it down and post it on here!
Really fucking good vocals! And IMO the music is amazing too!
So, how did you say you do these vocals? Any help would be appreciated cuz me and a friend of mine have some songs that need vocal lines and none of us can sing. So, I practiced a little on my vox, but since I don't know how to improve, I thought that I hurt my throat for no reason. This may be the 100th time someone asks about that but any guidance would be appreciated.
So, you are Andy and you play the guitars. The other dude who plays the drums sings on the demo you have on myspace? He's got awesome voice too.
I wish I was in the UK man! :kickass: I play both guitar and bass. Although I think that you're better musicians...
I'm definitely creating a myspace account.
That sounds horrible man. I can sing better than that. That's definitely not the way to growl. It sounds really lame.
I'm reffering to butnix of course. Not to Andy.
I've stated my opinion about the guys (Chaos Incarcerated) twice before. \m/
Cheers dude!

If you read earlier in the thread theres a link to something by tony bullard (Whoever he is) thats the basic technique you need... Read the original post by me as well.. BAsicly your looking to shout really low and distort your voice naturally.. Then the hard bit is learning to compress it yourself by squeezing your body as you sing. Practise in the car or somewhere where you cant be heard lol

Yes i play guitars... i have some tutorials of my guitar stuff here...

And yeah richard (thomsonrf) sings on our demo, but plays drums for the band.. We're looking for a main vocalist + guitarist + bassist... But not had any luck so far because everyone sucks hahaha

I dont consider myself nearly good enough to sing for my band - however if anyone in the uk wants me to do side projects i'd be happy to!

Cheers dude!

If you read earlier in the thread theres a link to something by tony bullard (Whoever he is) thats the basic technique you need... Read the original post by me as well.. BAsicly your looking to shout really low and distort your voice naturally.. Then the hard bit is learning to compress it yourself by squeezing your body as you sing. Practise in the car or somewhere where you cant be heard lol

Yes i play guitars...

and heres some tutorials of my guitar stuff here...

And yeah richard (thomsonrf) sings on our demo, but plays drums for the band.. We're looking for a main vocalist + guitarist + bassist... But not had any luck so far because everyone sucks hahaha

I dont consider myself nearly good enough to sing for my band - however if anyone in the uk wants me to do side projects i'd be happy to!
