How to growl - STRAIGHT forward

I'm checking the vids now. Also, thanks for the tips dude, I'm gonna try them out.
I know, I got that tutorial by bullard. It's awesome. Really helpful. But... Is it supposed to hurt? Cuz after, like, 15 minutes of practicing my throat started to ache. And he says at the end of the tutorial "don't hurt yourself". Is he reffering to growling or in general, like, "tace care"?
The question is again: is it supposed to hurt? and if it is, what do I do? Should I stop? Thanks man.
Dude, if done properly, it really shouldn't hurt. You might not be using your diaghphram (however its spelled) enough... i dunno.

Make sure you're drinking lots of water.
it has to be loud, but not too loud so you re be forcing too much, just put music loud and sing along, its the only way

"even the best vocalists sound nothign the same without music behind them. So find a backing track, or simply join a tolarent band on vocals" - so true
If it hurts, stop. Build yourself up to it. I used to be able to play 1 hour sets, not i can barely last three songs because i didn;t keep it up. I'm working on my endurance again and it's slowly coming back. It's normal for there to be some difficulty to start with, but the more you practice, the better you'll get like with anything. The absolute best way to improve vocals is to first: find a band, second: cover songs by your fav vocalists and try to imitate their style, and third: from those imitations start building your own style. I'm moving to a place where i can record vocals on the 28th, so a week afterwards i'll post something for ya'll.
Flal said:
The absolute best way to improve vocals is to first: find a band, second: cover songs by your fav vocalists and try to imitate their style, and third: from those imitations start building your own style.

yeah because if you keep on trying to imitate someone in time you will completly fuck up your vocal chords
maybe yes maybe not that is the question heh

it depends on the person, if you have the ability to imitate without fucking up your voice for a long time then your vocal chords must be in a level above :)
I regularly imitate chuck billy (from the demonic era) and Abbath for fun and my vocal cords are fine......and no, i don not think that my cords are at a level above because my name isn;t Mikael Akerfeldt or Peter Tagtgren. =)
Heh. The thing that really spares the vocal chords is when you find a tone and voice of your own. At least that was the way for me. I imitated Åkerfeldt for years before I realized my voice wasn't suited for his pitch.
The only vocalist I can imitate and sound anything like is Chris Barnes (which I personally think is a good thing.) I try with Tagtgren and Sandstrom, but I just cant get it. Oh, well. I'll just do my own thing.
Diskord said:
The only vocalist I can imitate and sound anything like is Chris Barnes (which I personally think is a good thing.) I try with Tagtgren and Sandstrom, but I just cant get it. Oh, well. I'll just do my own thing.

I can imitate him too!

Chris Barnes and Joe Horvath (Circle of Dead Children) are the only two i can do.

Sometimes i can do Barney (Napalm Death)
Like I maybe said before, I sing in metalcore/metal band
We're gonna have a studio on the 1st juli, the dad from our guitarists is a musicfan and is building a studio. And were gonna take up a demo in juli normally
But I don't know, we have really nice songs imo but don't know if my voice is ok
Some comments -negative or positive- would be appreciated

Btw, my good mic is with my unkel for "restoration", this mic sucks. You've notice by the sqeeling sound
Is there any more tutorial's like Tony Bullard's one that some one could post ? Also how do you know when you are using your diaphragm because I can feel my stomach tensing but It feel's like it Is straining my throat.
I think I missed the links (all are expired now);

Did he explain the technique in the clips? Or were they just him growling?

beerfuelledbassplayer Quote:
Originally Posted by andychaos
I dont consider myself nearly good enough to sing for my band - however if anyone in the uk wants me to do side projects i'd be happy to!


Where in UK?????????

sorry i took so long to reply dude... i'm in Birmingham.. But if you wanted to send me something to sing over i'd be happy to

think I missed the links (all are expired now);

Did he explain the technique in the clips? Or were they just him growling?


They were just growling... heres another one which gives away the technique a bit more
As far as technique goes, I think you should be able to generate a good growl and vocal distortion at a low volume, and once you that down you can focus on louder volumes. (There's a part in my song, "The Dark Signature" at about 5:05 where there are three different vocals going, and two of them get a good growl going, and they were only a little louder than a whisper. I'm not trying to song-whore, but that's a good example of me doing what I'm talking about.) I get a growl going by pushing air from my chest and making it vibrate my vocal chords. The way I do it doesn't require that you really strain or constrict your vocal chords. Just focus on the vibration and less on the constriction. Don't force the air out quickly either or you'll lose your breath easily. And when I do metal vocals with a growl, I make every effort to enunciate them using my mouth, especially my tongue and teeth, the same as I would if I were talking, but it's a bit more exaggerated when I growl. My mouth really does have a lot to do with the vocal distortion also. When I do metal growls, I can really feel the emphasis of words in my jaws and teeth. I think people focus too much on the harshness or grunt and try to generate it from the gut too much. I think that the way I do it produces much clearer results as far as being able to understand what I'm saying, and I don't really get light headed. Sorry if you actually read all of this, and if you don't think this works or is a good method, listen to my vocals and decide for yourself.