How to growl - STRAIGHT forward

Nefilim said:
I've been talking a lot about growling here on the BB forums lately, spilling my cents on how it should be done etc. Thus, I figured it's my turn to be on the wrong end of the beating stick. Here's an unmixed version of one of the tracks from Zombie Destrüktions upcoming album "Tales of Morbid Mummification". The track is called "The Pirates of Cary B. Aargh!". No effects are used on the vox more than a slight compression. The levels might be a bit off since we haven't mixed the track yet, but I think you'll be able to form an opinion anyhow :)

Oh, and if anyone wants lyrics, they can be found here:


Fuck off! You sound just like me! You even have the same bad growls (because of the false tones in it) It's even the same voice"type"
butnix said:
Fuck off! You sound just like me! You even have the same bad growls (because of the false tones in it) It's even the same voice"type"
yeah i thought he was special.........he's just an average arrogant bastard:heh:
You're all such weird fuckers, and probably underage.

In order to growl properly, the technique is a piece of piss.
It's really very very simple, but you all seem to be oblivious to the true method.

All you have to do, is open up your soul to the Lord of Darkness, take His Black Light into your heart, and allow his sonic entrails to spew forth from the deepest guts of your mouth.

schwanzschmerz said:
You're all such weird fuckers, and probably underage.

In order to growl properly, the technique is a piece of piss.
It's really very very simple, but you all seem to be oblivious to the true method.

All you have to do, is open up your soul to the Lord of Darkness, take His Black Light into your heart, and allow his sonic entrails to spew forth from the deepest guts of your mouth.


I'll try to remember that next time ;)
Nefilim said:
Sorry mate but I listened to your "Eaten" recording and we really don't sound alike.

Yeah but you have to know those suck really
Those where from times ago
Since I'm in a band things has changed + bad mic

But who give's a fuck anyway :D
Hey guys i could use some feedback on my growls. I can tell that the thing at the back of my throat is moving like crazy, but i cant seem to get the low guttoral growls other people can get, it always seems to be a mid range growl.

Listen to the pendant on my myspace


p.s. the last outro part of the pendant has got some effects on the vocals to get the really deep part.
hey guys,

i think i have the whole 'diaphragm breathing' thing down, and i can definitely feel push from my stomach when i try to growl. however, i am still not clear on what you do with your throat to get the growl sound.

Drop your adams apple and open up your thorat a little, then pucker your lips and stiffen and bend your tounge so that the bottom of it is flat against the back of your two front teeth, slowly breath out with your diaphragm and growl at the same time, this should give a nice low growl.

^^^^I hope this works for you.
$t0n3r said:
Hey guys i could use some feedback on my growls. I can tell that the thing at the back of my throat is moving like crazy, but i cant seem to get the low guttoral growls other people can get, it always seems to be a mid range growl.

Listen to the pendant on my myspace


p.s. the last outro part of the pendant has got some effects on the vocals to get the really deep part.

Uuuuhm... Where are the growls? And the music broke my balls.
Did you not see me mention the pendant in my post? or did you just listen to the first song and assume there were no vocals in any of them?
$t0n3r said:
Did you not see me mention the pendant in my post? or did you just listen to the first song and assume there were no vocals in any of them?

Errr... Yep. I'm not blind. Otherwise I wouldn't have said that. In this song, the pendant, there are no gowls. I'm talking about the pendant song (just to make sure). I didn't hear any growls.
Dantheman said:

Drop your adams apple and open up your thorat a little, then pucker your lips and stiffen and bend your tounge so that the bottom of it is flat against the back of your two front teeth, slowly breath out with your diaphragm and growl at the same time, this should give a nice low growl.

^^^^I hope this works for you.

i think it works...however, i have to angle my head downwards at least a little bit to get any sort of growl sound, and the closer it is to my chin, the lower the sound. does this sound correct?
steel102 said:
i think it works...however, i have to angle my head downwards at least a little bit to get any sort of growl sound, and the closer it is to my chin, the lower the sound. does this sound correct?

well, i think it's different for everybody, mines sounds lower when i tilt my head to the left. so whatever works for you..:rock:
$t0n3r said:
I checked then and some growling comes in at about 1:40, well it should anyway because thats what im hearing.

That's not growling dude. I was sarcastic all this time. That's not growling at all. You didn't get the idea.