How will you listen to PL

1. Careful examination (using eyes, ears, nose, various limbs)
2. Taking off the wrappings
3. Beholding the actual CD
4. Coming home from the hospital
5. Reading the booklet
6. Playing the CD

First I play the CD and try not to concentrate on it too much. I'll probably do something else at the same time (reading a book, watching Buffy or Futurama). This way I can figure out the mood of the album. After that I start to listen & analyze every song very carefully (while reading the lyrics etc)
I'll order it when I can but since it will take a while to get here I'll download it as well. Then you know, probably listen to it on the computer like I do with any mp3s. Oh, probably on my iPod at work too. Then rip the CD when it arrives and listen to it... on my computer and iPod.
progmetalpilgrim said:
Hmmm, I hope they release it here at the same time as over there, I would hate for all you guys to be enjoying it without us Aussies...

they probably wont.. i would recommend just buying straight off the net.. unless you dont have a debit/credit which case me thinks you're screwed..
I will play it in my car for first listen. I opted for the Bose system from the factory and it's about the best space I have available for listening to music (married with two kids and a too-small house). Maybe by that time, my new office will be complete and I can find a time to crank it at work so all the worker bees have a good listen as well.
What the $^#@ was I thinking last night?!

I changed my mind. I'm gonna listen to the cd like 1by4by9 will. I think that's the most enjoyable way of doing it.

lol, 'special place in my heart'. :lol:
Actually, I'll preorder it from my local cd store, and wait til it comes in, so I can't listen to it till i have the actual cd in my hands, it will be so much better that way... The only things I'll hear on the internet will be official samples...
Hearing the samples and realizing that the album won't be available for a long time will turn anyone into a monster.