I'm gonna try a way of listening to a new album that I've never tried before:
I'll listen to the first 10-20 seconds of each song, just to give me more anticipation/nearly drive me insane.
Then each day, I'll rip one song to my itunes and ipod, and I'll listen to it as much as I want, as well as all the songs from the previous days.
After I'm done that with the whole album, I'll listen to the album all the way through. I'll probably be sitting in bed eating cookies or chips and drinking some kind of fruit juice (I love apple juice). Or maybe if it's in August or later (probably won't), I'll be drinking beer cause I'll be 19!
Yeah, I think that'll make each song have a special place in my heart.

It'll be hard not to give in and listen to the whole album before the appointed time though. It'll be the ultimate resistance test.