Howcome so many people still believe in God?

I hope that answers it for you. Im quite keen on Popper, and accept(perhaps incorrectly) he ideas involving science and knowledge.

Well it was enjoyable talking with you ARC 150, but I gotta go. Its been months since Ive had a decent discussion on here.
derek said:
It's interesting you said that. I have a hunch that many folks that are strongly anti-Christian are generally pre 20's. I think when reasonably smart people become older, they can see the transparency in such a position and adopt a a more complex stance.

Thats just my opinion, though.

Agreed. I'm not over 20 but I have noticed a similar shift in my beliefs over the past year or two
NeverIsForever said:
Agreed. I'm not over 20 but I have noticed a similar shift in my beliefs over the past year or two
:yow: Hot metal philisophical girl who's my age?!

(Okay so I'm going geek :Smug:)

Also being under 20 myself, I really didn't start thinking philisophically (If you can even call it that... moreso open-mindedness) until I was about 17. However even when I was 10+, my parents always told me to stop thinking about "useless crap." Go figure. And Since I'm quite new to all this chat about philosophy, my opinions on different matters haven't established themselves as my own... But still based on influencial means. Thats why my posts are limited here.

Then again, all people's thoughts are based on some sort of influence.
Stay away! She's mine! She cannot resist the lure of Thoth-Amon's black arts! BWAHAHAHAHA!:heh:
Ok guys...lets leave that there :p

Tyler, although I was generalising somewhat, I certainly was not lumping you into a category in any shape or form. I just think such active hatred for Christianity tends to be rooted in something more psychological than intellectual. The older and more mature folks I consider this topic with are often much more complex in adopting an anti-Christian stance.

I'm glad someone mentioned Popper, I had a rather extensive series of lectures on him a few years ago, although mainly concerned with his criticism of Marx. I agree with you speed, his arguments on science and knowledge are quite persuasive.
Mikobass said:
"...but atheism takes just as much faith in my own opinion,..." - NeverIsForever

Maybe at large, I cannot speak for anyone else, but not for me, no faith is involved. I am content with just saying "I don't know, I have no idea" because I prefer admitting my ignorance rather then believe something that might be false or creating my own reality with the flavour of my moods. What is so wrong for people to admit their ignorance? - Mikobass

the "I cannot know" would be an agnostic perspective. "I know there is no..." is indeed athiestic.

as far as evidence for the existence of something disincarnate in knowing outside of oneself which affects oneself I can only say that the capability my mind has for registering events in a way which is complementary to my own cognition can be ruled out in most questionable moments for the enitirety of the coinciding facets. That is speaking only for myself however.
AnvilSnake said:
I'm God. Prove I'm not.

Main Entry: 1 god
Function: noun
1 capitalized : the supreme or ultimate reality: as a : the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshiped as creator and ruler of the universe b Christian Science : the incorporeal divine Principle ruling over all as eternal Spirit : infinite Mind


Shouldn't have capitalized it, heh heh.
Nemesis_lxix said:
I am sick and tired of all these people I see I church who think that now god is satisfied with them not missing their appointment with redemption and now they can go back and sin again !


AnvilSnake said:
I find it funny that you bring up the bible when talking about proof of a superior being. If a God did exist, why would his only proof of existance be a book?

Lokundo said:
Main Entry: 1 god
Function: noun
1 capitalized : the supreme or ultimate reality: as a : the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshiped as creator and ruler of the universe b Christian Science : the incorporeal divine Principle ruling over all as eternal Spirit : infinite Mind


Shouldn't have capitalized it, heh heh.

God isn't perfect. Look at the Platypus. Sure has a good sense of humor though.
AnvilSnake said:
God isn't perfect. Look at the Platypus. Sure has a good sense of humor though.
*puts on sarcastic voice*
Well maybe it was God's will to make the platypus a rediculously funny animal. Everything is god's will and whatever God wants, god gets.
*takes off sarcastic voice*

I have a hypothetical question, that I've been meaning to ask many many people for a long time, but never had the balls to ask anyone.

What would you do if someone said to you "Fuck God."?
Ptah Khnemu said:
*puts on sarcastic voice*
Well maybe it was God's will to make the platypus a rediculously funny animal. Everything is god's will and whatever God wants, god gets.
*takes off sarcastic voice*

I have a hypothetical question, that I've been meaning to ask many many people for a long time, but never had the balls to ask anyone.

What would you do if someone said to you "Fuck God."?

I don't see where you are going with this...
Ptah Khnemu said:
*puts on sarcastic voice*
Well maybe it was God's will to make the platypus a rediculously funny animal. Everything is god's will and whatever God wants, god gets.
*takes off sarcastic voice*

I have a hypothetical question, that I've been meaning to ask many many people for a long time, but never had the balls to ask anyone.

What would you do if someone said to you "Fuck God."?

I think I see where you’re going.If god wanted you to serve him and pay tribute at him he wouldn’t have given you a free will.Now f you rush to think that your will is the only thing that exists and god had nothing to do with it or even that there is no god,then I don’t see why you one be troubled with so complicated thoughts.

And the answer is “That’s what all stupid say when there have none else to blame but them selves ”
This gets me everytime...

Why do atheists continually refer to God as if he actually exists, when their position actively asserts he does not?
I, not being an Atheist, do not know exactly, but what I do know is that people that are arguing against God speak as though he exists because there's no way to not make it sound that way, without making it a million word College essay.
I always thought one possilbe incarnation of what the judeo christian god was really a Genetic engineering scientist that made a hybrid of an apewoman and the extraterrestrial. It would definately explain why we as humans are so much more evolved in terms of thought compared to all the other animals on this planet.

There is some evidence to support this claim from ancient sumerian texts and even the bible. But then the question of what created them is then asked and it gets even more complicated.
It may be possible that life has always existed and there really was never a beginning nor an end to life. It has always been and always will be.