Howcome so many people still believe in God?

derek said:
It's interesting you said that. I have a hunch that many folks that are strongly anti-Christian are generally pre 20's. I think when reasonably smart people become older, they can see the transparency in such a position and adopt a a more complex stance.

Thats just my opinion, though.
no, this has to do with the way the world has changed, if you assume that christianity is a cult, then it's clear that the younger generation is actually able to see the inherent flaws of christianity because they weren't brainwashed into being christians by being at church before the mind becomes cappable of noticing that that their parents are part of a cult, many [perhaps most] of the christians that are over 30 are christians because they were brought to church by their parents durring infancy [while others past 30 became christian after a "trigger event" where their "faith" is really a form of post-traumatic-stress-syndrome]
Hmmmm...Educated people have always been able to see a certain transparency in christianity.

The world HAS changed and perhaps access to more information has enabled modern teens to react against christianity. HOWEVER that was not my point, it was more to do with the psychyology of people under 20 (os so) generally being the ones so ACTIVELY anti-christian, even though that position is slightly one dimensional.
I don't believe teens are seeing through the "transparency" in Christianity as much as they are just passing through a stage of rebellion fueled by aggression and uncertainty mixed in with that whole self-centered invincibility slash personal identity phase in the midst of their often chaotic, misguided, emotionally based lives governed by reduced critical thinking ability, experience and a general lack of knowledge the result of biased information gathering techniques and a poorly indexed, mostly non-relavant, paper-based resource. Asking them for their rational is the easy way of finding out if their decision to be godless related more to their emo-ways than one grounded in reason.

Ones choice in Religion or non has more to do with ones own personality than anything as I see it, so its no surprise the youth today are either not phased by it in the first place or strongly against, as they are with their parents, authority, past fads, homework and everything else. If you view Religion as a club, teens today just don't fit in very easily.
judas69 said:
I don't believe teens are seeing through the "transparency" in Christianity as much as they are just passing through a stage of rebellion fueled by aggression and uncertainty mixed in with that whole self-centered invincibility slash personal identity phase in the midst of their often chaotic, misguided, emotionally based lives governed by reduced critical thinking ability, experience and a general lack of knowledge the result of biased information gathering techniques and a poorly indexed, mostly non-relavant, paper-based resource. Asking them for their rational is the easy way of finding out if their decision to be godless related more to their emo-ways than one grounded in reason.

Ones choice in Religion or non has more to do with ones own personality than anything as I see it, so its no surprise the youth today are either not phased by it in the first place or strongly against, as they are with their parents, authority, past fads, homework and everything else. If you view Religion as a club, teens today just don't fit in very easily.
okay, assuming this post is accurate, then my post is still accurate if you change the phrase "past 30" into "past 40"
judas69 said:
I don't believe teens are seeing through the "transparency" in Christianity as much as they are just passing through a stage of rebellion fueled by aggression and uncertainty mixed in with that whole self-centered invincibility slash personal identity phase in the midst of their often chaotic, misguided, emotionally based lives governed by reduced critical thinking ability, experience and a general lack of knowledge the result of biased information gathering techniques and a poorly indexed, mostly non-relavant, paper-based resource. Asking them for their rational is the easy way of finding out if their decision to be godless related more to their emo-ways than one grounded in reason.

Ones choice in Religion or non has more to do with ones own personality than anything as I see it, so its no surprise the youth today are either not phased by it in the first place or strongly against, as they are with their parents, authority, past fads, homework and everything else. If you view Religion as a club, teens today just don't fit in very easily.

It depends. It is a crucial point in life where one does some critical thinking about the world around them, their place, and what they are told and have been told up that point. With me, I denounced Christianity when I was 13 becuase not only did I see it as a waste of time and a scam but I didn't want to be associated with the people who believed in such a religion that certainly has many contradicting verses and dubious beginings. But I know I may be an exception becuase I certianly know people who are the very thing you said as well.

But the morals in the bible can be useful, but you find morals in any religion and any after school special. I mean hell, look at scientology or the mormons. People even follow the Jedi religion which is purely based on fiction. I just don't see why you need to have morals(rational) attached to belief(unrational)
Silver Incubus said:
I denounced Christianity when I was 13 becuase not only did I see it as a waste of time and a scam but I didn't want to be associated with the people who believed in such a religion that certainly has many contradicting verses and dubious beginings.

Every teen thinks Chruch is a waste of time; this having more to do with disinterest than anything else in the majority of cases. Those that do or don't belong also do much of what you've indicated, they do or don't on the basis of group mentality as I had mentioned.

Dubious beginnings? The ontological arguement in itself is valid; maybe you could be more specific? As far as contradictions go, many claim this is due to misunderstanding. Are there any specific ones you had in mind? And, how do you know some or all are not intentional "koans"?
I can't speak for anyone else. But I believe in God because I have went down other paths and found nothing but sorrow. I thought at one stage in life I was an Atheist, at one point Satanist but grace found me in a very dark corner and I have got back to my roots.
Based on the soul-searching I've conducted lately, I've come to the conclusion that I must remain agnostic or attempt to come to my own understanding of spirituality, and one which does not rely on supposed revelations or communications with a particular deity.

What is more ridiculous: Questioning the existence of something that is not observable by current means or believing in an otherworldly, supernatural entity with specific characteristics & extensive lifestyle guidelines related to you through centuries-old texts written down by people with no plausible evidence of their veracity?
Boru said:
I can't speak for anyone else. But I believe in God because I have went down other paths and found nothing but sorrow. I thought at one stage in life I was an Atheist, at one point Satanist but grace found me in a very dark corner and I have got back to my roots.

That's very interesting. That sounds like alot of other people I know that have been confused over their religion. They always find that they've come full circle, right back to the faith they started from.
Boru, you haven't found anything in the non-religious paths, that's fine!! But what did you concretely found in the religious path? You left that important part blank! That's what I really want to know!! I went on many path as well, never found one with "Logical" proof, needless to mention physical ones... I found organized religion (tried a few with an open mind in my youth) to be the worst experience, being "forced" into believing what I was told because it was written in a very old book to be saved from torture and/or destruction! Ultimately, reasoning that like gravity does not need a book to exist, an all mighty powerful god should not either, and that if there are no true evidence of this god, it could very well be because he does not exist... It is at least the most plausible explanation to me for all the gods that were presented to me. Who want's to live forever anyway??
judas69 said:
Every teen thinks Chruch is a waste of time; this having more to do with disinterest than anything else in the majority of cases. Those that do or don't belong also do much of what you've indicated, they do or don't on the basis of group mentality as I had mentioned.

Dubious beginnings? The ontological arguement in itself is valid; maybe you could be more specific? As far as contradictions go, many claim this is due to misunderstanding. Are there any specific ones you had in mind? And, how do you know some or all are not intentional "koans"?

Well because I have never had the group mentality(unless it was a sports team I was when such a mentality would be benificial) but I have always been myself regardless of what others thought about me. I figured out the game really early when I was young. The manipulation game. I figured out that we were being manipulated on many fronts. Manipulation of our spirituality through organized religions, Manipulation of wants and desires from television, movies and ads.

And from a very young age I have always been able to think out of the box and was recognized as such. I was in the gifted class until the 4th grade(simply because that is when it stopped).
I had quite a hard time in school simply because my way of thinking is different from what the teachers wanted. I would even get kick out of math class for asking questions.

Being such a deep thinker I didn't really relate to very many people because I was always much more mature then my peers. Of course I had some elements of pop culture to relate to people with but it was superficial at best.

So lets just say I wasn't your typical teen that you so blanketly state.

As of the dubious beginnings. Well the biggest thing is that no one knows where or when the bible started being written, what stories that they chose to leave in and what they chose to leave out, the timeline of the gospels of the new testament. The fact that previous religions existed before Christianity, that things like Native Americans, Aboriginal people of Australia, and the Asians all had different religions that all developed independently of Christianity. I don't see how anyone could claim that it is the only true religion when it has been proven that many of the holy stories are exact rip off's of other religion. Even the religious dates of christianity are on dates of Pagan religious holidays. there are countless more, but these are just a few to prove my point.
Silver Incubus said:
Well because I have never had the group mentality(unless it was a sports team I was when such a mentality would be benificial) but I have always been myself regardless of what others thought about me. I figured out the game really early when I was young. The manipulation game. I figured out that we were being manipulated on many fronts. Manipulation of our spirituality through organized religions, Manipulation of wants and desires from television, movies and ads.
Maybe you have an anti-group mentality? I'm not doubting you, but it's something to consider.

Silver Incubus said:
And from a very young age I have always been able to think out of the box and was recognized as such. I was in the gifted class until the 4th grade(simply because that is when it stopped).
I had quite a hard time in school simply because my way of thinking is different from what the teachers wanted. I would even get kick out of math class for asking questions.
Similar to my story, only they had suspected a learning disability (wasn't doing terrible in school, just not so well early on), so after a week of testing they determined not only that I did not have a learning disability, but that I was "gifted" aswell; scoring in the 99th percentile (IQ > 135).

Silver Incubus said:
Being such a deep thinker I didn't really relate to very many people because I was always much more mature then my peers. Of course I had some elements of pop culture to relate to people with but it was superficial at best.

So lets just say I wasn't your typical teen that you so blanketly state.

As of the dubious beginnings. Well the biggest thing is that no one knows where or when the bible started being written, what stories that they chose to leave in and what they chose to leave out, the timeline of the gospels of the new testament. The fact that previous religions existed before Christianity, that things like Native Americans, Aboriginal people of Australia, and the Asians all had different religions that all developed independently of Christianity. I don't see how anyone could claim that it is the only true religion when it has been proven that many of the holy stories are exact rip off's of other religion. Even the religious dates of christianity are on dates of Pagan religious holidays. there are countless more, but these are just a few to prove my point.
Somewhere in highschool I stopped going to Church, but I never really had the sort of passion against Christianity as many people had like they've been betrayed. I look at it much the same way I grew out of Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny; it was just indicative of a certain level of congnitive development. I still thought it (and religion in general) was valuable as you had said earlier on many levels, and a great stepping stone into spirituality for those who could use one.

Anyway, this is my last post hopefully; later all.
Boru said:
I can't speak for anyone else. But I believe in God because I have went down other paths and found nothing but sorrow. I thought at one stage in life I was an Atheist, at one point Satanist but grace found me in a very dark corner and I have got back to my roots.
this sounds like a cop-out
sounds like you are mentally weak to the point of not being capable of dealing with the harshness of reality
Ptah Khnemu said:
That's very interesting. That sounds like alot of other people I know that have been confused over their religion. They always find that they've come full circle, right back to the faith they started from.
being confused over religion sounds like a mental weakness creating the need to have any religion at all
why is religion neccessary?
to me religion seems to be a wheelchair for the crippled mind
Silver Incubus said:
Well because I have never had the group mentality(unless it was a sports team I was when such a mentality would be benificial) but I have always been myself regardless of what others thought about me. I figured out the game really early when I was young. The manipulation game. I figured out that we were being manipulated on many fronts. Manipulation of our spirituality through organized religions, Manipulation of wants and desires from television, movies and ads.

And from a very young age I have always been able to think out of the box and was recognized as such. I was in the gifted class until the 4th grade(simply because that is when it stopped).
I had quite a hard time in school simply because my way of thinking is different from what the teachers wanted. I would even get kick out of math class for asking questions.

Being such a deep thinker I didn't really relate to very many people because I was always much more mature then my peers. Of course I had some elements of pop culture to relate to people with but it was superficial at best.

So lets just say I wasn't your typical teen that you so blanketly state.

As of the dubious beginnings. Well the biggest thing is that no one knows where or when the bible started being written, what stories that they chose to leave in and what they chose to leave out, the timeline of the gospels of the new testament. The fact that previous religions existed before Christianity, that things like Native Americans, Aboriginal people of Australia, and the Asians all had different religions that all developed independently of Christianity. I don't see how anyone could claim that it is the only true religion when it has been proven that many of the holy stories are exact rip off's of other religion. Even the religious dates of christianity are on dates of Pagan religious holidays. there are countless more, but these are just a few to prove my point.
this story looks like i wrote it
what i mean is that i went through the exact same things
the sports team i was on was the MacArthur High wrestling team
i was the kid that got a pic of my purple twisted/bent wrist/forearm in the Dallas Morning News
My theory of Christians the hole faith and church and all belivers that all is just an mass ilussion, mass belive in a person that don´t existe nowere else exept in their own minds, and I can´t belive that church and this faith still egsist and that the people don´t realize this fact.