Bah. Metal Archives is a fantastic resource. Many of the reviewers write a lot of crap to look cool (hey, look at how much I bagged out Opeth... how fucking metal am I?). I do beleive that many of their points are valid (pretentiousness in writing, especialy with regards to accoustics), but who the fuck cares? If you're going to get all antsy-in-your-pantsy about someone who thinks that Opeth are a wank-band, then you should probably spend more time outside.
It doesn't matter what anyone else likes. The most important thing is what you like. Of course I mean you specifically, Elek.
Jon Snow said:
It doesn't matter what anyone else likes. The most important thing is what you like. Of course I mean you specifically, Elek.

Yea. I agreed. I wasn't so mad at the reviews that simply said they didn't like them or that they were boring. I got pissed about those criticizing the identity/genre of Opeth. "Soft/Heavy make up your mind!" That's what Opeth is! If you think their riffs are dull, uncreative, or whatever then fine but don't trash em just because they aren't heavy/fast enough.
Exterus said:
Geesh, you are all a bunch of whining cunts. You really can't handle that some people doesn't like your favourite band, can you? If you think the reviews on that site are not fanboish enough, go there and write your own reviews. That's a little more productive than sitting here in your dark corner of the internet crying about the nasty elitists at that doesn't like your FEVORITE MUZAK to the other Opeth fanbois.

There is a fine line between reviewing objectively, substantiating your points and all-out negatively criticizing a band simply for the sake of it.

The thing is that alot of people there want Opeth to be something they're not. They expect a 3 minute thrash-fest, with obligatory shit solo played at 220BPM and monotony to the point where the word 'pretentious' is beyond all application.

The fact is that reviews of the same ilk as the one that was quoted in this thread are worthless. The reviewer makes me feel like I'm in a dead-end marriage and have to listen to my wife's incessant bitching ad infinitum.

At the very least, if you negatively critique something, add some damn substance to it.
I've noticed the Opeth-bashing (both on and whereever else it occurs) usually hits on 3 main subjects:

1. Opeth's song structures (The critics have a problem with the way Opeth sporadically and constantly switch between acoustics and heavy guitars in many of their songs. I don't blame them... this was one reason it took me awhile fully get into the album, Morniningrise, and much of Opeth's music, in general.)

2. Opeth's influences and how they incorporate it into the music (According to what many of the critics say, Opeth's music is not innovative in any way, since it derives alot from 70's prog, early 90's death/doom, melodic metal, etc. Typically, I've seen people (when in relation to this subject) say Opeth rips off bands like Amorphis, Camel, Katatonia, etc.)

3. What alot of Opeth's diehard fans say about the band (This pisses off the critics the most. Opeth has definitely become one of the most popular and well-liked metal bands (within the bounds of the metal community, of course). This led to a great deal of fanboyism, which has spawned comments such as "Opeth is the most innovative band ever!" or "Nobody can compare with Opeth... Nobody!" The critics then take that into account and either denounce much is what is said from these certain diehard fans or just make a full mockery out of both them and the band)

Summing up this post, I would definitely say Opeth is definitely one of my favorite bands, and when I hear critique about them... I usually don't mind at all as long as it is done in a legitimate, intelligent, and coherent way. It only gets annoying when someone starts saying shit like "Opeth sucks! They have about as much worth as cow dung" or conjures up these ridiculously asinine insults aimed at the band (ex. "Blopeth"... wow, how fucking original and creative is that!?!). Then they may go on and say how Opeth can't write riffs or something. It's fine if you don't like the band, but to ramble on about how they suck or how they have no talent is ridiculous.
That review gave me a few good laughs. It doesn't bother me if someone doesn't like Opeth and it doesn't bother me even if someone makes a big deal of his dislike. The review didn't offend me in any way. What bothers me is that how can someone so narrowminded be making reviews!!! I'd love to read some of his other reviews.
Cant we all just get along? To be honest I didnt like Opeth when I first listened to them... but ofcourse they are a band you need to listen to more than once before you really start appreciating their music, and now they are one of my favorite bands. The review I read at the beginning of this thread was pretty lame and non-intelligent anyway. If only we knew of the elite bands that he likes, im sure I might differ at some points, or even like those bands. But I dont think I would ever post such a fucking shit review like he did.
The Invoking said:
If only we knew of the elite bands that he likes, im sure I might differ at some points, or even like those bands.
According to his profile on Metal Archives, some of his highest-rated bands include Impaled, Pig Destroyer, Cattle Decapitation, Cephalic Carnage, Carcass and Birdflesh.

Have fun.
I just want to say that those reviews don't deserve to be called reviews. Because all of them lack objectivity which is like the essence of a review.

The reasons provided for disliking BWP (I was too scared to check out the other albums' review pages) are ALL invalid, with the exception of its repetitions.

Also, by the reviews you can already see what kind of person sat at his keyboard typing them. I recommend checking out what kind of bands are those morons' favorites. It's no surprise that mindless, heavy, fast, 'violent' metal is the forte of those idiots.

However, they help you kinda calculate an objective value of the album.

Bear in mind that reviews are there to inform you with facts. I didn't find many. Which doesn't make them reviews but mere self induldging chains of 'jokes' and shallow trains of thoughts.
Oh yeah. I'd feel insulted if someone was putting me down with invalid reasons. That shit just doesn't do Opeth justice.
Sounds like any nu-metal kid you'll find, except they probably listen to just 'tr00' metal. If you think about it, all he says is 'HEAVY = WIN' 'NO THOUGHLESS SOLOS? LOLOLMAO!' 'TOM ARAYA FUCKIN SLAYZ MICHAEL AKEDFIREIKS!!1 (or something to that extent)'
Well shit, no wonder he doesnt like Opeth, 80% of the bands he listens to are grind bands. Tho I must admit that Carcass does kick ass. Why cant prepubescent, angsty, grindcore infatuated, homosexually involved teens, be banned from posting?

Ahh yes, and then I step down to his level in such good form... *bravo* :p