Hymnlock.. a brand new toxic grind machine song up now!

Jun 2, 2005
Allright, a wee bit more rock/metal orientated i guess... maybe nothing like burn bright, but we are curious what you gents think of this one.

Intro still needs to be sorted, and this is the first draft of the mix.. i'll improve what needs to be improved later on mix and master-wise.

Here it is:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/546041/Hymnlock mixdown 2.mp3

New material to come after this as well. let us know what you think! Cheers. :kickass:
Diggin' the music as I expected Bob, but it seems like something very strange is going on with the mix, especially the guitar tone - very indistinct and hard to make out, almost seems like it's got some some phasing going on? Maybe you were just trying to make room for the synths, but IMO it's a bit overkill :( Actually, a big part seems to be the bass (and/or synth bass), too muddy/low-middy IMO (I've been learning that frequency often just needs to be pretty much eradicated), and I wouldn't mind some more lows in the kick. I hate to be a stickler about this, but it honestly is kinda interfering with my enjoyment of the music (simply because I remember how awesome your past tones were, Pod or not :headbang: ), but it's awesome to hear new music, and I really dig it! (surprisingly short though, at least compared to what I'm used to from you guys :D)
Cheers dudes!

Aye Marcus, i hear you man.. i have to look into that guitar tone and the bass is indeed too low/mid heavy, cheers for your feedback sir.

Zakky, i shall give details dude.. just have to look what patch i used for this song.
Cool song! The mix overall sounds like what I would expect from mixing on headphones. I don't know if this is the case but your older mixes on cans didn't sound that way. I'm sure you'll fix it, though.

BTW, the vocals need a lot of dessing.
Cool song! The mix overall sounds like what I would expect from mixing on headphones. I don't know if this is the case but your older mixes on cans didn't sound that way. I'm sure you'll fix it, though.

BTW, the vocals need a lot of dessing.

Thanks man.. You know what is different this time? I used a different VSTi bass, different POD XT patch and AD drums instead of the DFHS setup.

All shall be sorted after we get the songs done.. allthough i really like this mix as well.. realising it's TGM's "come clarity" sort of mix. :lol:
Yeah, I wouldn't say the mix is bad...just sounds a bit weird. I like how huge it sounds, though.
Cool song! The mix overall sounds like what I would expect from mixing on headphones. I don't know if this is the case but your older mixes on cans didn't sound that way. I'm sure you'll fix it, though.

BTW, the vocals need a lot of dessing.

Gahh, I threw off the de-esser at the last minute, it was causing too many problems with the Kel mic. Definitely need to go back in and manually treat the fizzies.

Thanks for checking it out d00de!
Bob's back! I always really liked this song and now its great to hear vocals on it. I think the vox on this really suits the music well and everything is falling into place nicely. As others stated, the guitars sound a bit weird.....kind of empty in the low end, almost like too much bass has been scooped out in the pre EQ. Did you use the POD tubescreamer? I've always found that emulation to remove way too much pre distortion low end from the guitars, especially if you're using an EMG81. That's my 2 cents for now. Awesome job regardless and its great to hear some action from you!
After a couple of runs, I finally dig it a lot. First I thought, it´s a bit overproduced, but dude..I can say it is absolutely awesome sound-and arrangement wise. I also like the singer. Congrats for this!
that intro sample is from The Basketball Diaries! :kickass:

One of my favorite movies.

Ha! Glad you caught that :kickass: That movie wouldn't let go of me for weeks.

Awesome to hear all the feedback too gents. I was shooting for sharp songwriting over balls-to-the-wall mayhem with this one.
Mix-wise, I'm dead curious about what a quality reamp would bring to the table :oops: