I am leavin'

@_Quarantine_: anything is possible, so if I like it soooo mmmuch I might stay longer...time will tell ;) How long have ya been a baby sitter? Tell me your experiences ;)

@Lasse: w00t! I'll avoid dark places then =D

@spellbound: :lol:
i'm no slut, i'm a man with testosterone! now wanko, he's had a sex change, so his estrogen is no excuse for his behavior! screw HIS balls not mine! here take this screwdriver with a scope
@spellbound: How can it be pointless if it's in the off-topic section? Plus, like she said, it's a forum, which is the perfect place for her to tell her friends and fellow metalheads...

Have fun, Zsuzsa, and good luck.