I am sick of all this elitist metal bullshit

I just find - at least where I love anyway - that every teenage kid with an asymmetrical haircut these days is into all of that sort of stuff, and that's fine, but you get into a conversation with one of them and they'll say "oh do you like metal?" and of course I'll say "hell yeh man!", which is followed by them asking "have you heard _____ or ____" before? I say something like "oh only little bits and pieces but nothing much and it really wasn't for me" and then they'll start trying to school me in heavy metal, when I've been listening to it for far longer than them, and didn't say anything bad about what they recommended, and they'll start talking crap like "man death metal is all just the same crap and it's boring", when I honestly think a lot of that -core stuff sounds the same too, but I never try to argue with anyone about it because its a waste of time.


You have no idea how much I agree with this statement (especially the tactful reply "oh little bits and pieces etc" - EVERY TIME :lol: )

And yeah, that brings up another point - being a metalhead, I run the risk of being associated with these fruitcakes :goggly:
now, i grew up in the 90's as a teen. rap-metal/nu-metal was cool at the time, and i was apart of that trend. baggy pants, bleached hair, all that crap. i listened to limp bizkit and korn. then one of my friends older brother introduced me to some other music that wasn't "trendy" at that time; bands like in flames, blind guardian, symphony x, and dimmu borgir. and you know the biggest difference between those bands? i can still go back and listen to that music after all this time and still enjoy it. not the same with the "trendy" nu-metal shit i thought was cool at the time.

Another +1 billion trillion (though in 8th grade I bailed on nu-metal on my own accord and went for Metallica, because I felt like it was the right thing to do, and that opened up the door to my discovery of all other forms of metal)
I've grown more tolerant of stuff as I have grown older but I think having really passionate if sometimes irrational opinions about music is totally normal. The impulse that make you think one band is a disease is just the inverse of what makes you feel euphoric when you listen to the stuff you really love. Sure, both parts of that are contaminated with outside influences and jealousy but such is human nature.
I'll take strong opinions over wishes-washy ones. How many times have you heard someone say "I listen to all music except rap and/or country."
It's that waffling "whatever is handed to me" BS you should really be irritated by.
Hey Ryan, what about a crabcore band who sings about dragons?? would you like them??
Stop the bitching, you are sick of this and you are only starting? wait until you are 27 or more and then you´ll be on the other side of the coin saying "what is this new crap, ther´s nothing that the good ´ol crabcore, those were the days"

You are playing the same roll men, you are being elitist, you are falling in the same by saying power metal is crap this is why i hate "new scene kids" they can´t tolerate something a few years older than them and just for being old is crap, death metal is so old so is crap, all sound the same, personally i rather be alone in an island with on DEATH cd than with the entire collection of crabcore or deathcore stuff.

"i'd rather get down like a crab any day then have stupid fucking lyrics about dragons."<------- this is Elitism.
"i listen to a bit of everything" is one of those statements that makes me hate the human race
i usually tend to reply "oh yeah, what do you think of the latest sunnO))) album then?"
and that just about does the trick.
"i'd rather get down like a crab any day then have stupid fucking lyrics about dragons."<------- this is Elitism.

it may well be elitism, but goddamn, he's fucking right :lol:
because we all know crabs are so much cooler than dragons.

seriously man. dragons fly around like FUCK YEAH IM A DRAGON
but crabs are just like LOL SNIP SNIP and theyll cut your fucking balls off and you wont even notice because crabs are some sneaky motherfuckers
plus, crabs walk sideways
dragons dont
that makes crabs instantly cooler than dragons
we all know that i have just proved that shit with some unparalleled scientific shit.
Egan, you are a wise man indeed :rock:

"i listen to a bit of everything" is one of those statements that makes me hate the human race
i usually tend to reply "oh yeah, what do you think of the latest sunnO))) album then?"
and that just about does the trick.

Hahahahahaha, I'll have to remember that (though maybe substitute it with like "Aborted" or something equally distasteful sounding :lol: ) Unless it's a person who says "I listen to everything except that hardcore shit" (direct quote from the music section of my binge-drinking hoe of a Long Island 2nd cousin's facebook profile :rolleyes: )
Stop the bitching, you are sick of this and you are only starting? wait until you are 27 or more and then you´ll be on the other side of the coin saying "what is this new crap, ther´s nothing that the good ´ol crabcore, those were the days"

Hahahahahhahahaha, stodgy old pining crabcore fans :lol::lol::lol:
it may well be elitism, but goddamn, he's fucking right :lol:
because we all know crabs are so much cooler than dragons.

seriously man. dragons fly around like FUCK YEAH IM A DRAGON
but crabs are just like LOL SNIP SNIP and theyll cut your fucking balls off and you wont even notice because crabs are some sneaky motherfuckers
plus, crabs walk sideways
dragons dont
that makes crabs instantly cooler than dragons
we all know that i have just proved that shit with some unparalleled scientific shit.

Dragons spits fire, what´s cooler than that??

but hey, is still elitism, and he´s talking elitism. crabs, dragons, old ladies, etc. is fucking elitism.
And yeah, that brings up another point - being a metalhead, I run the risk of being associated with these fruitcakes :goggly:

I usually don't give a crap about labels and I am almost cringing at describing myself as a metalhead (just because it sounds so limiting and I would never want to be associated with a certain scene - it's all bullshit to me), BUT it's a huge part of my life: I grew up with it and still love it passionately. So you could say, yeah, being a metalhead is definitely one aspect of my schizophrenic self...

Now here's the thing: No matter whom I talk to, be it someone who's mainly into Death-, Melodeath-, Black-, Thrash-, whatever-Metal, there will ALWAYS be some common ground and association under the big hood of Heavy Metal.

... And now there are these kids, worshipping xyz-core, and everyone is like "Okay, somehow this is metal too, because it has heavily distorted guitars, fast drumming, aggressive vocals etc." and people (like Mike Akerfeldt :lol:) who deny this music the status of being metal are generally looked at as ignorant old farts (while silently agreeing with them ;) ).

Okay, so now I have met sooooo many kids from this very scene (especially at our shows) and even our former singer was "one of those" and we're basically sharing NO significant common musical ground AT ALL.

And I bet many of you had similar experiences...

So, in the end, I might respect what they're doing but I just can't see any reason to feel associated with these people under the metal banner because we're having absolutely no common ground whatsoever.
Unless it's a person who says "I listen to everything except that hardcore shit" (direct quote from the music section of my binge-drinking hoe of a Long Island 2nd cousin's facebook profile :rolleyes: )

play him some converge and watch that shit eating grin on his face slowly collapse with each passing dying cat screech
Now here's the thing: No matter whom I talk to, be it someone who's mainly into Death-, Melodeath-, Black-, Thrash-, whatever-Metal, there will ALWAYS be some common ground and association under the big hood of Heavy Metal.

this i agree with
first time i saw opeth, you could just go up to anyone and spark a conversation based on the band tee they were wearing, ANYONE, because we were all there for the same reason, to see an awesome band.

and all this modern metalcore and crabcore shit has when it comes to the fans are a bunch of arrogant little fuckwads who check their hair when they come out of a pit, who keep punching the air when someone gets knocked down, who keep jumping around if someone drops his glasses, who dick about at gigs, making a fucking nuisance of themselves.
i dont particularly listen to much METALZ anymore. but fuck, at least metalheads have some fucking respect.
first time i saw opeth, i was shit scared that id get beaten up or something, because i didnt look particularly metal, there was everyone from weedy nerdy kids to big, burly, long haired motorhead types to the flowing long blonde hair type kids wearing burzum hoodies, and everyone was getting along.
i dont particularly listen to much METALZ anymore. but fuck, at least metalheads have some fucking respect.
first time i saw opeth, i was shit scared that id get beaten up or something, because i didnt look particularly metal, there was everyone from weedy nerdy kids to big, burly, long haired motorhead types to the flowing long blonde hair type kids wearing burzum hoodies, and everyone was getting along.

THIS is metal my friend, where´s the fucking elitism? real metalheads gives a shit if you are a tiny and skiny little kid and if your mom gotta pick you up at the end of a concert, or even if your mom are watching your back in the venue. whi gives a fuck, there´s nothing like metal comradry.
okay there are to many good rebuttles so i am just gonna admit i was stupid and wrong,
but what i was trying to say is some of you guys are going out of your way to really make sure that these people know that these bands suck and its just stupid

and with the power metal response thing i was trying to say..
how can you call a band all moving at once and getting low and getting br00tal gay. when your listening to some guy falsettoing his balls of screaming about treasure and the dragon folk lore.

i mean i dig power metal but i just see the irony in that haha
In understand Ryan's point...and everyone else's for the most part. I'm not going to lecture anyone. The fact is, that everything gets bashed around here from time to time. Sometimes for seemingly valid reasons...sometimes just personal opinion. Not too long ago, a lot of people were hating on 80's metal. Now for some reason, a lot of people have "come out of the closet" and admit they love it. It just happens around here.
In understand Ryan's point...and everyone else's for the most part. I'm not going to lecture anyone. The fact is, that everything gets bashed around here from time to time. Sometimes for seemingly valid reasons...sometimes just personal opinion. Not too long ago, a lot of people were hating on 80's metal. Now for some reason, a lot of people have "come out of the closet" and admit they love it. It just happens around here.

Even with occasional bashing, everyone still respects each other, even if they don't like the band they won't think "Ryan's a fucking pussy, he likes Attack Attack!". :goggly:

That's what I like here.
being a 6'5" 300lbs metal head, i mean business when going into a music store, there are days when they dont have my new release and i tend to take it out on the tight pants wearing kids just browsing the metal section. :heh:

so as far as im concerned crabcore doesnt exist when i walk into a music store.
crabcore kids go into music stores?
i always thought they were all like
ITS SO COOL AND OBSCURE AND FILLED WITH CRABS (take that for what you will, you fucking perverts. HA)