I bought a new car (the "I wanna be like Gugs" thread)...

i always found chicks that are into cars a serious turnoff.
and there is no middle ground it seems. they are either heavily into them to an obsessive point, or not into them at all.
and you guys think *I'm* gay

disclaimer: I was drunk when I posted that video lol! She's still hot though....AND is a PhD candidate. I know. I googled her.
Why the FUCK do modern car engineers feel the need to scrunch everything in so you must unassemble 3 different fucking things just to replace a fucking headlight bulb?!?!?!?!??! I fucking HATE these new pieces of shit. Im sSO fucking pissed off right now.
Seriously. WTF?! Btw, it's on my wife's Nissan Altima. Fuck that thing. I'll just have the mechanic do it while he's giving me an oil change, replacing the passenger side inner splash shield, and cracked windshield washer reservoir. Should cost me a good $400 for absolute bullshit.

I'm not sure how the more recent Hondas are but why cant manufacturers make things a bit more simpler like them so you dont need to be fucking ASE certified to do a fundamental task such as replacing a goddamned headlight bulb.
hahahaha awesome rant!!!
My only guess is that is has something to do with the safety of today's cars. Unit body and crumple zone construction and all that.
The Subaru was the first car I really had where lights burned out on a regular basis and I remember going insane the first time I tried to change a headlight. It did not compute that I had to do stuff like remove the battery and the air intake, etc.

Speaking of this type of shit...I'll be doing a timing belt change on the Subaru here pretty soon. Good times. :erk:
I went with a buddy to AutoZone to pick up a couple filters for his Nissan Altima esque ride, I forget the make/model. When we returned I was astonished to see that it took removing several lug nuts just to get to the fucking air filter. What happened to a couple simple latch flips? Everything was encased as if the internal workings were in eternal slumber in a Honshū mausoleum. What was even more embarrassing, I didn't have a wrench to offer any assistance. Too cheap, and too beat down by the ease of society to drop 5 shillings on an essential DIY item.
I have every tool imagineable.......except the Torx T-whatever to take apart my 360. In fact, I have every T-bit imagineable, including the T-70 that allows me access to the Subaru's rear diff....but I don't have the tiny one that fits the gay little screws that hold the heat sinks on.
Time to break this out

edit: so, Jerry, whatd you end up doing? Brute force?
Brute Force, haha. Sounds like a doomcifer type job. When patience runs out and all else fails...

Timing Belt, eh? Damn Doh-rian, we got ourselves a regular 'ol grease monkey on our hands here at RC. Who woulda THUNK it?!
hahaha hilarity should result: I did my Miata's back in the day, thought it was all good, put it all back together and the timing was off to the point where it would stall at red lights unless I redlined it
I had to take the entire fucking thing apart on my next day off and start over
Timing belt broke while I was driving 60 on a highway. luckily my old volvo has a LOGICALLY BUILT engine and was not totaled immediately. still, that fucker cost me like $600 in the end.
I think Subaru is the only car company that to this day recommends you at around the 60-70K mark to change the timing belt. it's like a religion.
wtf is up with that? still haven't figured out after all these years to make it last past that mileage?