I came all the way over here for this?

So what's your deal?

  • I believe in stuff -- yay :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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zabu of nΩd

Free Insultation
Feb 9, 2007
Wow, life. Amazing. Great stuff.


If you're someone who believes in something -- God, The Beatles, fried chicken, whatever -- you spend your life in that room. Maybe masturbating. Maybe licking the walls. Whatever it is you do -- you're in there.

Your beliefs are nothing but a cheap wallpaper you paste around this cube to make it look less gloomy. Everything you believe consists of word games invented by the government or the Walt Disney Company to keep you shuffling about from cube to cube of someone's design, in your quest to produce your man-years of economic output.

Ain't this heaven?

Fuck off. Get back to work.

I know why we're all like this -- bickering humorously over how other people ought to live their lives. "I just believe in one god less." Right, sure. None of you are true atheists. You worship your beliefs, your "experiences", your "memories", and all the myriad wallpapers of "beauty" dangling in the recesses of your "educated" psyche. No matter who you are, you're telling yourself some lie or other about how it's worth all that effort to get out there and "make a life for yourself".

I'm glad you feel the way you do, really. You're probably an honest, hard-working, tax-paying citizen. You're out there fueling the engine of economic growth, and giving the smart money their return on investment. Hell, you may even be a footnote on a page of a scientific journal one day. Good on you.

I'm not trying to sell you some left hand path. I've taken it, and it's not terribly interesting. In fact, I'm trying to figure out how to get some of my old ideological insanity back like the rest of you all got. I'll probably just end up a smelly rasta, though.

all I want is a sexy slavic women in my bed and my tongue in her pussy.
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I voted jaded-godless fuck. I meant most of what i said in that shit i wrote, being that i'm disillusioned with life to the point of laughing at everything resembling a value or belief. I also follow mad goth laws, such as sacrificing my loved one to demons and bathing in freshly-spun cobwebs.
zabu of nΩd;10604413 said:
Wow, life. Amazing. Great stuff.


If you're someone who believes in something -- God, The Beatles, fried chicken, whatever -- you spend your life in that room. Maybe masturbating. Maybe licking the walls. Whatever it is you do -- you're in there.

Your beliefs are nothing but a cheap wallpaper you paste around this cube to make it look less gloomy. Everything you believe consists of word games invented by the government or the Walt Disney Company to keep you shuffling about from cube to cube of someone's design, in your quest to produce your man-years of economic output.

Ain't this heaven?

Fuck off. Get back to work.

I know why we're all like this -- bickering humorously over how other people ought to live their lives. "I just believe in one god less." Right, sure. None of you are true atheists. You worship your beliefs, your "experiences", your "memories", and all the myriad wallpapers of "beauty" dangling in the recesses of your "educated" psyche. No matter who you are, you're telling yourself some lie or other about how it's worth all that effort to get out there and "make a life for yourself".

I'm glad you feel the way you do, really. You're probably an honest, hard-working, tax-paying citizen. You're out there fueling the engine of economic growth, and giving the smart money their return on investment. Hell, you may even be a footnote on a page of a scientific journal one day. Good on you.

I'm not trying to sell you some left hand path. I've taken it, and it's not terribly interesting. In fact, I'm trying to figure out how to get some of my old ideological insanity back like the rest of you all got. I'll probably just end up a smelly rasta, though.

if you want my opinions on stuff click on the following link

You voted for jaded, godless fuck but fit the role of a pretentious twat perfectly.

P.S. You're trying too hard.


You say that because you don't know what it's like being jaded. You only know beliefs.

P.S. It takes effort to live without mental shelter. I hope you never have to.
zabu of n&#937;d;10605174 said:
P.S. It takes effort to live without mental shelter. I hope you never have to.

I can't say I live without mental "shelter", but I'm as close to it as possible without reaching it absolutely, so I think I can say "I know that feel bro", at least to a reasonable degree.
Ah the core of the modern subject. Destructive, monstrous and scary. Post modern cynicism, relativism, nihilism etc; simply modes of evasion.

Let brother West preach it

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zabu of n&#937;d;10605185 said:
To give you a sense, my career in I.T. has become meaningless to me. I'd gladly work some dead end desktop support position now, and exchange 60% of the money for a lot less stress and the ability to go to work half-comatose after a prior night of revelry. I plan to start no family, the one i was born into is enough of a financial liability.

The most genuinely appealing thing to me at this very moment is to become a dedicated pen and paper RPGer and then create my own chronicle and ruleset that serve as a platform to present my intellectual ideas.

I find it kind of pitiful when people try and project their personal unhappiness onto the rest of the world. Isn't your sulking nihilism a shelter of its own? Is there any reason to assume your sense of emptiness bears any more ontological weight than other people's sense of joy, empowerment, passion, etc.?
Sure it is :)

Ontological weight... maybe, because people really do live by a lot of unnecessary conventions and standards. I hope not to advocate any one "sense" over another though, because a diversity of social roles is nice to have.