SwordLord said:
Funny you should say that, Lance King and I are planning a big power metal festival to debut in Minnesota in May of 2007. It will be big, big, big ... stay tuned, more details to follow.


Pants now officially need to be changed!!! You could call it ProgPower Midwest!!
Harvester said:
No...no he couldn't.

Good luck though. I'll be there.

Glenn H.

ROFLMFAO!!! :tickled:

I appreciate the vote of confidence, Dolamite, but Glenn has the rights to the name "ProgPower" and I (nor Lance for that matter) do not wish to detract in anyway from what Glenn has spent 5 years building. :worship: We've talked about a couple of different names -- we were originally going to call it "Midwest PowerFest" but then we thought the Chicago PowerFest guys would be pissed at us, so it's back to the drawing board. Whatever it's called, it will rule and it will be done in the spring so we don't compete with ProgPower.

Glenn, we are quite hoping you'll be in attendance. I can't let the cat out of the bag now, but big things are being planned -- we would love you to be a part of it.

BUT FOR NOW, I'm getting ready to wave my hair around furiously for Evergrey and Nevermore! That's if I can still stand upright after Pyramaze though... :rock:

"Never forget those who paved the way before you..."

ALL about the metal,

It is my personal goal to make sure that if you travel into Minnesota for the Gamma Ray show on 5/12 that you have as painless a stay as possible. To that end, I have spent some significant time writing blogs on www.MySpace.com/GammaRayMN which will give you information on hotels, restaurants and other conveniences close to the venue. I know that subscribing to MySpace is putzy, but it will be well-worth it to do so and subscribe to the GammaRayMN blog. I will continue to post important show-related info there as well as tips specifically designed to help out-of-towners enjoy their stay in MN.

Another thing I will definitely recommend is that if you are staying in town, be sure you stay through Sunday if you can. There is going to be a killer after-party the next day (Saturday, 5/13) at the exact same venue. Details on this will be forthcoming and will be of great interest to you, I promise... :grin:

Can you all tell I am psyched for this show!?!? Long live the mighty Gamma Ray!!!

ALL about the music,
Nathan "The SwordLord"
There is going to be a killer after-party the next day (Saturday, 5/13) at the exact same venue. Details on this will be forthcoming and will be of great interest to you, I promise... :grin: