i did this on the megadeth boards and introduce yourself but...

Jul 20, 2003
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is there an unwritten rule of metal that says that you have to be white in order to be metal? i'm not attacking white people, all of my friends are white, but there are so many white metalheads that judge me and say racist things to me about being a metalhead because my background is east indian.
it's more due to the fact that non-whites are afraid of forming bands, and it creates a cycle of people expecting metal bands to be white.

More non-white good bands = more acceptance of non-whites in metal.
Heavymetal_Hellmaster said:
is there an unwritten rule of metal that says that you have to be white in order to be metal?
if you read the lyrics youd know that its a pretty well scribed rule
Arrakis said:
i don't think so. music is for everyone. i think anyone that discriminates against you and your love of metal for the colour of your skin is probobly more concerned with image than music. bugger them, may they get skin cancer.
:lol: Erik is more concerned with image, the insult!