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Black Tears

Still in the Dark
Sep 27, 2003
Well its inevitable, this upcoming album is going to leak before its released. Are any of you going to download it or will you hold out for the actual thing. I always tell myself I'm going to wait, but my will is weak and I end up hitting my friend up for a song or 2. Either way, I usually buy the cd after I DL it (I feel guilty :tickled: )

What do you guys think?
With other bands that I'm not too familiar with, I'll download some songs to check it out, but with Katatonia, I know it's gonna be awesome so I don't have to. I'm going to be the first one in line when it comes out. :headbang:
I don't see the problem as long as you actually buy the record.

It's normal that when u love a band you're curious and you gotta have a taste of it before it's really in your hands, so u DWL...but whats the prob?
I never download albums of bands I really like...I know that even if I don´t like the album I´ll buy it just because, as a fan I want to collect all the albums of my favourite bands.
A part from that I guess that downloading it before will ruin the magic moment when you have the cd in your hands and begin to open it, look at the booklet, smell it, put it in you cd player...and so on..
I bought albums of bands I had already a burned copy, but it´s not the same as buying the album when it is released.
In any case maybe one teaser...I mean one or max two songs or samples before it is officialy released are not bad...downloading the whole album is disrespectfull, but I think it´s ok listening to the" single" or whatever..
Like ether said... for me downloading an album before release destroys the magic moment...

I would NEVER download an album of a band I like or I'm going to buy anyway... if the band puts a whole song for download online before the release-date I would listen to it... or to the samples but never ever to the whole album.
I'm one of the persons who think that mp3s don't sound as good as the same song on CD ... so I first wanna listen to the "better sounding version" ...

I love to stay in front of the shelf with my desired CD, take it out... feel it in my hands and feel my blood pulsing through my veins ... then after I paid for it... run home... close the door fully excited and put it carefully in my CD-Player while I take a closer look at the artwork and the booklet.
So if anyone would give me a CD with the leaked album from internet... I would throw it away and maybe kill that person.

And some people don't mind how dangerous it is to download full albums from internet... a lot of those people say they would buy it later on... but when it's the time to do that a lot of them say they haven't got the money at the moment blablabla and if you ask them a few years later they didn't buy it anyway. And this behaviour may be the ruin of the band.
I.m.o. those have no respect towards the musicians and don't think of the "heartblood" [it's a german expression, dunno if this exists in english] which was put into the music...
These are things which make me really, really angry.

[sorry for my bad english... hope you understood :/ ]
When "Viva Emptiness" was coming close, I found a link in a different forum which linked to three songs ("Evidence" was one of them) from the album, which apparently had been released for promotional reasons. Anyway, that was more than enough for me - who needs to download an entire album if two, three songs are enough of an argument.

Those three songs hosted on a website also made Katatonia some new fans - I know of a label manager who specializes in minimal electro who listened to them and was deeply moved & touched. He naturally bought the album.

Personally, I think that's a good thing. Hopefully the band's label will be wise enough to release two, three promo tracks and then send out the promos for reviewing two, three weeks before the album actually hits the market. That'd be time enough, as most reviews read nowadays are webzines etc.
everybody's saying that you shouldn't dwnl, but i guess everyone here downloaded "ghost of the sun" from the official site 2 years ago, right? because it's a tease, and fans like it!!

What I'm saying is that you do no harm to the band if you dwnl a couple of songs and then buy the record when it's released. Somebody was talking about "ruining a special moment for the band"...i think it's not right, they are the first to let you hear something!
@Migs: If you mean me, I didn't mean ruining a special moment for the band... I meant ruining their financial resources and the tension in the band (;
And I said nothing against downloading a few songs which can be found on any officical site. That's no problem for me. I would do that, too 'cause I see it as a "privilege given by the band".

The people making me angry are those who download whole albums illegally before release-date and promise to buy the album later on ... but then don't do it... though they like the music.
This happened to my boyfriends' band [yah I know, the germans of you don't like that band (;]: Someone [we think it was a journalist who got his promo-CD some weeks before release] put the whole album online and it was downloaded a few thousandtimes... after the release an unbelievable mass of people said how great that album is and how much they like it... and even more people told me, they have it at home... ... but nearly no one bought it.
I asked some of the fans if they bought it and they just said "not now... I got it from internet but maybe if I got money I'm gonna buy it... maybe" ...
You can't imagine what a desaster this is for the financial resources and the relationship between band and label or the bandmembers themselves.
And in the end the consequences will reach the serious fans, too.
No way. I always wait!
I never even went to the Opeth listening lounge on the Roadrunner site, prior to the release.
There is a lot out there now that was leaked (IE - Helloween, Gamma Ray, etc).
I wait for the actual thing.
It pisses me off, because so many people want to sound "in the know" so they listen to the leak, wanting to be the 1st to say, "This record f*cking sucks!".
I heard that so much with Opeth, and it is easily one of this year's top 10 releases.
Same with Ghost Reveries. if someone offers to send me the album, I'll let them send me one song just for a taste of what I'm buying, but in the end I'll buy the album.
I've done it in the past (listened to two or three songs before an album was released), but I always end up regretting it. It ruins the experience of listening to everything as a whole. The last thing I want to hear when listening to a new album is that sort of familiarity.
I can not overcome from my curiousy and dwl the songs
And Katatonia's releases come here (Turkey) after a year and i think noone can wait 13 months for his/her favourite band

Of course i buy the album as soon as it is avaible

BTW i downloaded two songs from Ghost Reveries and i decide that i'll not buy that album.Yeah two songs had made my decide bekause they are really really awful (this is my thought) and i dont think that other songs are fine or depressive (and because they made the same mistake by releasing Deliverance) i decided not to buy Ghost Reveries because for me they deserve nothing but my eye drops after losing such a fellow band
ether said:
A part from that I guess that downloading it before will ruin the magic moment when you have the cd in your hands and begin to open it, look at the booklet, smell it, put it in you cd player...and so on..

This is so romantic, Daniela :)
How is downloading a disrespect to the band? They make music to reach out to people with their art and as long as it does that, I think they will die happy for the most part. It's not disrespect, I mean like most have said, we will go out and buy the album as well, or go out to a gig to support them financially, but as an artist, I think they would be happy either way, as long as they had such a devoted fanbase no matter how they got the music.
Leper_/-\ffinity said:
How is downloading a disrespect to the band? They make music to reach out to people with their art and as long as it does that, I think they will die happy for the most part. It's not disrespect, I mean like most have said, we will go out and buy the album as well, or go out to a gig to support them financially, but as an artist, I think they would be happy either way, as long as they had such a devoted fanbase no matter how they got the music.

So why don't they send their records to every possible fan for free?:lol:
The Music of Katatonia is very strong itself, but i prefer to listen to it with their artwork in my hands, as i can buy the album in days after it's release/