Is my first reaction to this shit lol!
I think another point to this good music/ bad music meaningful/ for money argument is to question the longevity of such a band.
In melbourne where I live, in the last 12 months, hardcore/ metal-core has gone from being every single gig to taking a back seat to more metal/ punk/ rock gigs. Fads change all the time, what's important is to NOT be a fad and evolve in a unique but still attractive way.
KSE for example, they have a staple sound, but have also changed things up enough on each album to keep things new but still the same to a degree.
Bands like this are a dime a dozen, and every year pops out a new one with the old ones once again, dissappearing into the background,
It is the nature of the music industry,
eg: Pop music for '00 to '09, many artists have already lost there peak and are on the decline, but some have reinvented themselves.
The biggest challenge is keeping up with the times.
And a lot of amazing metal acts are still here 20, 30, 40 years later...
Do you think the same will be said about all these fashioncore bands???
Cheers! Hope that's not more fuel in the fire lol