I got beat up by my pals last weekend

JayKeeley has been reading this thread for like 10 minutes, I've been waiting for him to post something funny but he's taking too long.


He buggered off! That fucker. JayKeeley rocks when he's drunk because he starts air guitaring to Hangar 18 VERY loudly. :kickass:
Not like Megadeth man, trust me. Maybe in ten years Hammers will be the same volume, but you have to realize how many years he's spent air guitaring to the 'deth.

I think air guitaring to Holy Wars at 4am on the streets of NYC was when we scared some elderly women. It was cool.
Airguitaring is only silent at a concert, and even then only because the volume overwhelsm your own DAHDHDHAHDAHH Beavis and Butthead style guitaring skilling niggeringsz.
Demilich said:
He's pretty good at what he does though, you have to give him that. Hell, I'm listening to Orchid right now and enjoying the hell out of it! I'm still waiting for their new cd to beat everyone into submission :P a slim chance, but i can dream

Oh totally, Mike is a fucking brillinat musician, but just some of the worship people give him is unbelievable.
Marksveld said:
Oh totally, Mike is a fucking brillinat musician, but just some of the worship people give him is unbelievable.

I thought you were talking about Hell Mike Mötörbike, so I almost exploded with a combination of laughter and deep embarrassment.
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