I guess my days of downloading music illegally are over...

any "future of music distribution" that doesn't involve me getting to buy a nicely packaged, full resolution, hard copy of the product to put on my shelves and keep forever, invulnerable to hard drive failures and changing media player formats, etc.... can go fuck itself. i wil not pay for vapor.
same for me...
Maybe i am just different...

All my CDs and casettes are in a cardboard box in the cellar and the audio from them is on my HDD.

I just like to listen to good music, i am not a collector of stupid small boxes with small shiny discs inside...
My only beef is paying for albums compressed as MP3. I could live quite happily without the case, booklet, hard copy etc. I pay for the music, not the visual artwork, or what I can hold in my hands. After all music is there to be listened to, and I don't see an insubstantial copy of a song to be any less enjoyable than one (equivalently encoded) on CD. They're both just bitstreams. The big issue for me is that if I'm going to pay for an album, I want the full quality, uncompressed version. Even FLAC if they're so willing.

As far as vapor copies being prone to hardware malfunctions... Simply entitle a customer to unlimited downloads of that album after they've purchased it, so that they can replace it if their backup HDDs fail.

for me, the packaging is as important as the music.. of course if the music is bad, a nice cover art or packaging doesnt help, but i love it when the artwork is really awesome und something "unusual", for example, look at the nicely done new cynic cd..digibook edition...simply great..

i usually grab every new cd i buy into mp3 format to have it on my ipod too, i dont care that much about the quality as you do, because when i´m on the road, in the car, with much noise around..192kbs feels totally fine for me.

but at home.. i like to sit in front of my stereo, carfully select a cd that i want listen to.. insert it, read the lyrics.. look closely the artwork, read all the information, and enjoy, thats like a ritual for me...
I just like to listen to good music,
me too

i am not a collector of stupid small boxes with small shiny discs inside...
yeah, thats the difference, i´m a collector, and i love it..its a nice hobby for me, i also like to collect dvds and guitars...

i mean, i think its great that you can get the music only without the annoying stuff around it for the people who likes it that way, totally legally..

For me its not interesting, but i really appreciate it that there is an option for it to do so..

cheers and have a great weekend
very similar for me exoslime. problem is today's generation largely misses that, because music has become a disposable commodity for them... and everyone that feeds this "new way" of no hard media, no booklets, no art, music only - with nothing physical in your possession... and usually lower quality listening experience are just feeding that nasty trend whether they think they are or not.

nevermind what this does to any of our potential legacies as producers... very few people will know who produced or mixed anything.. fans i mean... only guys like us that will research it. EVERYONE.. every fan in the world, irrespective of their interest in audio production, knows the names Mutt Lange and Bob Rock for instance.... that won't be happening for any of us if/when music goes to a strictly digital delivery model. a minor point, admittedly... but one that will likely have more impact on more of our careers than we can know right now.
well, depends on your standards doesn't it :D

and I'm sure it takes more than 5 minutes for this to do:

spotify sounds like Pandora?

IIRC you couldn't directly access certain tracks with Pandora..

Anyway, I tried to sign up for Spotify a few weeks ago but it told me to fuck off because of my German IP. I couldn't be arsed to dick around with a proxy for this, so my relationship with Spotify came to an early end...
Call me, uh, 'new-fashioned' but I've never really understood that. I mean, if I buy a CD I'll watch any extras, then rip it and never look at the CD again, thats just me :/

And as for paying for 'vapor', you pay for software, plugins, heaps of stuff that is technically 'vapor' and can succumb to all of those things too? Whats the difference?

The car is the only reason I'd ever use a CD post-ripping and I can understand that, anything else.. not really.

+1 to everything, especially the car and the mentality of looking at the booklet once, "oh, that was neato," and then sequestering it on a shelf for the rest of time. And at home, I only listen to music at my computer, hence ripping.
I could live quite happily without the case, booklet, hard copy etc. I pay for the music, not the visual artwork, or what I can hold in my hands. After all music is there to be listened to, and I don't see an insubstantial copy of a song to be any less enjoyable than one (equivalently encoded) on CD. They're both just bitstreams.

Maybe i am just different...

All my CDs and casettes are in a cardboard box in the cellar and the audio from them is on my HDD.

I just like to listen to good music, i am not a collector of stupid small boxes with small shiny discs inside...

I´m a collector too, the music is the most important factor, because i like to hear all my cd´s, in fact i can´t hear an incomplete cd, i need to hear every song on it, but i love to collect cd´s containing the music i like and not buying vapor as james said, i barely listen to music in my laptop in fact i kind of hate it, i listen in my car, or my ipod or in a boombox, whatever, having music in my computer give me the feeling that i have nothing, my laptop crashes a week ago, and i loss ALL my music, but guess what?? i have it all on cd´s!!! HAHA, who´s laughing now!!!

Seriously, fuck downloads, legal or not, it sucks, i rather buying the Cd as a new collection item and have both the music and the item, about the price i don´t care, is an investment, people like to expend money on more trivial things, you like music?? why don´t expend money on it if you like it so much??, is like when you go to some guy and found his Vinyl Colection, i mean is awesome, vinyl albums of the AGE!! in perfect condition, i want to be like that, in the future to show my collection to my sons and friends.

Maybe with cd´s being less popular, their prices will drop, so i can buy more and more!!! but i doubt it hehe
I'm still a BIG fan of physical media. I listen to most of my music in my car, can't get too into mp3's and how they sound (meh, maybe just me), and I still dig the artwork, liner notes, etc. that physical media brings.

I like all aspects of music production, from tracking/mixing/mastering to CD layout/graphic design, etc.
I don't care about cd's. My collection got so dam big, I didn't have any place to put them. I ripped them all, put them on 6 computers and even backed up to externals, one being a Time Capsule that nicely syncs to my Apple TV along with my huge library of movies. Gave them away. Guess you can say, I have tons of vapor. Hell, vapor might be easier to take with me when I die. :Smug:
If you still have some of your collection, would you sell me some, or better yet give me some :)??

Sorry, I don't even own 1 music cd to date. I still have 300+ dvds, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them yet. I'm going to be moving out of my current house within a month or two.(renting it out) I'll figure it out after.
Maybe i am just different...

All my CDs and casettes are in a cardboard box in the cellar and the audio from them is on my HDD.

I just like to listen to good music, i am not a collector of stupid small boxes with small shiny discs inside...

What about the day your hard drive fails? :erk: