I´m a collector too, the music is the most important factor, because i like to hear all my cd´s, in fact i can´t hear an incomplete cd, i need to hear every song on it, but i love to collect cd´s containing the music i like and not buying vapor as james said, i barely listen to music in my laptop in fact i kind of hate it, i listen in my car, or my ipod or in a boombox, whatever, having music in my computer give me the feeling that i have nothing, my laptop crashes a week ago, and i loss ALL my music, but guess what?? i have it all on cd´s!!! HAHA, who´s laughing now!!!
Seriously, fuck downloads, legal or not, it sucks, i rather buying the Cd as a new collection item and have both the music and the item, about the price i don´t care, is an investment, people like to expend money on more trivial things, you like music?? why don´t expend money on it if you like it so much??, is like when you go to some guy and found his Vinyl Colection, i mean is awesome, vinyl albums of the AGE!! in perfect condition, i want to be like that, in the future to show my collection to my sons and friends.
Maybe with cd´s being less popular, their prices will drop, so i can buy more and more!!! but i doubt it hehe