I guess my days of downloading music illegally are over...

Uh, when will this debate end. It's just a matter of taste and habits.

Many people find my preference for pdf to real books weird and say they can't read more than a couple of pages that way. Well, I've had a computer since I was 4 or 5 and prefer reading from one by far. However, I understand those who don't, just as I understand those who still write real letters and those who want a hard copy of their music.

I don't see why CDs and/or booklets can't become optional accessories just like t-shirts.
ouch man... all issues aside, that's very bad for your eyes... you really shouldn't do a lot of reading that way, especially not extended sessions... and dim your screen, it helps but is not a long term solution to the potential damage you can do if you read heavily in that way.... that's straight from my ophthalmologist to my ears about 3 years ago.

to the matter at hand.. debates/discussions like this are all about the things that come out from each point of view along the way... wishing them to end soon is not only wasted effort, it would be detrimental to the idea of debate or discussion at all if they did end suddenly just because one person has said their piece or heard enough. move on if you've heard enough.

having said that, some debates have been beaten into the ground and way too quickly resort to mudslinging (mac vs PC) etc, and having already worked trough every possible point of view, should just be banned.

this debate regarding music though is still relevant to our lives right now, and as long as it's intelligent discussion and no one's getting upset, there's no reason to cry for it to end. when i'm tired of it i'll just stop clicking on it.... you can do the same.
i'm already weary now of clarifying myself on that point and will just ignore any further posts regarding the issue... or i'll just post the direct link to this post. ffs i hope i'm finally clear on that one, lol.

not to be an ass or anything but now you get a feeling how misunderstood I felt when we discussed our views in that gun-thread :D

that being said, I wholeheartedly agree with you here :Smokedev:
I don't care about cd's. My collection got so dam big, I didn't have any place to put them. I ripped them all, put them on 6 computers and even backed up to externals, one being a Time Capsule that nicely syncs to my Apple TV along with my huge library of movies. Gave them away. Guess you can say, I have tons of vapor. Hell, vapor might be easier to take with me when I die. :Smug:

no excuse not to back up ur shit! hd failure will never rob me of all my media!

I would like to see a change in the way music is packaged and marketed!
I think the idea of a virtual booklet ( kinda like the original "enhanced" cd`s in the late 90`s) is killer!

also, I really think that this spotify thing is a good idea! I knew an innovation like this would find a way for artists to make money while allowing customers to preview music!

I dont like the current system where the artist gets only about 10% of the CD price.

All the rest goes to these evil record companies, and to multiple levels of transport and retail leeches.

Every artist should have a paypal account for me to pay them 20% of the CD price if i decide to download their music.

couldnt agree more! looking forward to the future of the music industry! i think it is changing for the better :)
If we are talking about streaming music online for free, there`s goear.com, is like youtube but for music, is free, you don´t have to download anything, no need to hear commercials etc, the interface is boring/simple/annoying and the library is growing day by day, but hey if you don´t want to buy music, this is another alternative.
ouch man... all issues aside, that's very bad for your eyes... you really shouldn't do a lot of reading that way, especially not extended sessions... and dim your screen, it helps but is not a long term solution to the potential damage you can do if you read heavily in that way.... that's straight from my ophthalmologist to my ears about 3 years ago.
Honestly, most people with glasses I know read a lot of books and most of them had never or had barely used a computer when they started having trouble. Personally, I believe this has a lot more to do with genes, but anyway.

to the matter at hand.. debates/discussions like this are all about the things that come out from each point of view along the way... wishing them to end soon is not only wasted effort, it would be detrimental to the idea of debate or discussion at all if they did end suddenly just because one person has said their piece or heard enough. move on if you've heard enough.

The way I see it, my opinion is part of the debate/discussion, regardless of wishing for some sort of agreement.

this debate regarding music though is still relevant to our lives right now, and as long as it's intelligent discussion and no one's getting upset, there's no reason to cry for it to end. when i'm tired of it i'll just stop clicking on it.... you can do the same.

I would if I were not interested in the topic. It's that "one or the other" division that bugs me. I am repeating myself in saying this but I see no reason why the two media should not coexist. As long as there's demand for each, there will be offering.
so the existence of congenital eye problems obviates the existence of environmental vision damage? and do you really think your personal belief trumps the knowledge of an ophthalmologist? well alrighty then... but i don't believe that you actually feel that way, any more than i believe you think that telling someone to shut-up equates to engaging them in conversation. anyway, it was just a friendly caution. ;)

to the topical part of your post, there is no "division". both options do exist now. and that's just fine.
Hey, I didn't tell anyone to shut up any more than you did by skewing my post with your typical extreme yet seemingly detached way of writing. Just to clarify, I'm not writing this because I'm offended or anything and I'm sure you won't be offended by the opinion I've just expressed (though you'll probably try to turn my every word against me, or at least such an impression I've gathered from our discussions).

I'm glad you think the existence of the two options is fine, since from your first post one could come to the conclusion that you think this new medium is nonsense. Cheers :)
What is the point of doing an Artwork if is not gonna be printed? if we talk about the music, why to have artworks and such? and specially if is gonna be only as an archive in a flash memory? if you are paying someone to do the artwork, is better not to have an artwork and save some bucks, if you are gtting it for free is fine, but then again whats the point, at least print it in the package, you have to show it, and the designer would appreciate it.

Having the artwork on the stick doesn't necessarily mean that there won't be a packaging of the stick with the artwork, too. ;)

As I've pointed out earlier, that's IMO part of the reason why this format hasn't been accepted so well... I'm even considering doing a scientific thesis on the issue.

It's an interesting exchange of thoughts by music aficionados when we're talking about this here, but the results aren't that representative for the broad mass of (possible) consumers of our art/products.

For us here, it's a no-brainer to shell out money for a CD. We appreciate the quality of the medium and the hard work that has been put into the making of it. But there is this broad mass out there for whom illegal downloading has become even such a no-brainer and a well-trained habit like brushing one's teeth, with no guilty conscience whatsoever (especially the kids who literally grew up with broad-band internet, who represent a significant number among the peers for modern (metal) music). To get these people to buy your product, you got to offer them some added value that the CD obviously fails to deliver when competing with illegal downloads... and we are willing to try this route because the initial response of "John Doe"-concert-goer has made us feel quite positive about this approach maybe being the added-value WE need to get OUR certain product across.

We're not trying to stop illegal downloading or to raise sales in outrageous numbers, but every step to being more profitable in this business, is a step in a right direction IMO.

And btw, releasing this on CD too is definitely not out of question, especially if we're working with a label.
typical extreme yet seemingly detached way of writing.
i think you're starting to get me, :Saint:

you'll probably try to turn my every word against me, or at least such an impression I've gathered from our discussions).
thoughts fully formed and words carefully chosen are armor for debate. debate is a good thing. through debate we learn... if we pay attention. ;)

I'm glad you think the existence of the two options is fine, since from your first post one could come to the conclusion that you think this new medium is nonsense. Cheers
as a total replacement for hard media, yes i do. but even worse, it's dangerous... (predicated upon the total replacement of professionally designed and manufactured hard media in favor of a digital-download only model) as a mitigating factor to the current trend toward the devaluation of music, and the initiation of a new generation to whom music is entirely a disposable commodity.:erk:
Ok, that makes sense, and now I'm starting to agree - I always thought you just hated the idea of downloadable-only music because you loved adding to your rows of CD's on your shelves and partaking in the ritual of smelling the album liner ink (it's a good smell, I can't deny :D), but that is a good point, that once it becomes "vaporware," as you say, it really loses its value, both literally and symbolically. And flash memory has the potential of getting corrupted through normal use, so yeah, you've convinced me - CD's have gotta stay! (and I'm being totally serious here, no sarcasm)