I hate grunge.

i was mostly kidding, but you listed a bunch of stuff you've heard about him and i'm hoping you'll elaborate one day lol

Come to UM, have some laughs, shoot the shit about metal, get catfished by sex offenders and men pretending to be women pretending to be transgender with 5 alt accounts, talk about movies and pop culture, etc

Good on you, way to make a person feel left out. I didn't get any catfish action.
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Good work to everyone who helped expose this "Nick1975" for who they really are.
i am surprised i never made a fake account here, i would occasionally do that on other forums i visited when younger just to see how people reacted to different personas
Funnily enough "Nick" or whatever they wanna call themselves has been getting the same reactions on these threads as what happened here. Everyone just shitting on him. Have no idea what the point of all that was.
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i used to hang out on msn with polarity/ben, erik, int, ockham/dan, lykathea/adrian, necramentia/eric, ratatosk/franca etccc. the original no caps crew. ockham's the only one i still talk to though
it's actually pretty high end trolling imo. reading his shit was genuinely irritating. respect
I think the most irritating thing wasn't what he was saying, but just the fact he kept repeating the same thing & wouldn't actually address anyone's counter-arguments. Something that didn't go unnoticed on those other forums either.

All of Nick's threads, including this one, seem to have been started all in the same time frame. It's like the guy just woke up one day and decided to go on the mother of all troll runs.
Poor Nick, no one has given him a chance to come back and explain himself. You are all internet bullies!