I hate the Internet Fans

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Hehe I guess ye don't listen Power, but I love Dragonland :headbang: . They're Swedish, ye know? It's funny because most Swedish metal bands have a better quality than most of the rest. e.g. with Dragonland, I think they're quite above the normal Power Metal bands :) .

Have ye heard them? Give 'em a try, the'yr quite good :) :kickass: :headbang: .
I was just teasing you. ;)
But you're right, i don't listen to power metal. Thanks for the suggestion, even though i'm not going to try it. I'm not that open-minded after all. :p
Bah you hit like a girl, I mean "oh the pain".

But yeh I'm not quite into Power Metal either, and I think female-fronted Power Metal is better than the Male-Fronted variation, the main reason for this is that I hate Ralf Scheepers's (Primal Fear) vocals to a point it has become a psychological pathology.
I think it's really stupid when people think they've acquired some sort of special status that has them above others who are not that much into the band/artist/whatever and then be anal about how the band's name is spelled and if people download their music or not.
My cousin gets mad because I spell it birtne sper's. Ok that was spam, sorry.
And I hate to admit it but just a year ago or something like that, I spelled it with one L... Until I looked closely at a (Damage Done I think it was) CD cover.
But yeh I'm not quite into Power Metal either, and I think female-fronted Power Metal is better than the Male-Fronted variation, the main reason for this is that I hate Ralf Scheepers's (Primal Fear) vocals to a point it has become a psychological pathology.
We're steering off topic again, but that's more or less how i see it too. I seem to have a better tolerance for female-fronted PM bands like Nightwish. I just can't stand male high-pitched vocals.
I just can't stand male high-pitched vocals.
that reminds me of the intro of "Be quick or be dead" by Iron Maiden, when Bruce Dickinson screams so high and for a long time. We had a good laugh about that with my brother, one time when the video passed on MTV.
How about slur about not being able to quite like Into Eternity for the reasons mentioned above?
How about slur about not being able to quite like Into Eternity for the reasons mentioned above?

I'm fine with slurs involving power metal bands. What the heck, even regular metal bands deserve some shit for inappropriate falsetto from time to time, but please don't touch my Bruce Dickinson. He is as sweet as candy, and all his high-pitched screams of yore were perfectly justified.

I'd also like to point out that, at no point in his career, did he scream "METAL" at the top of his lungs and recorded the result.
Bah, of course not! But he also tends to disappear backstage during those solos, so maybe you wont be prompted to scream your lungs out too often. :) I think I should get the tickets for June 6.
I will not tolerate any slur against Bruce Dickinson.
I didnt say that in a negative way... we just found it funny. I like the song, as well as some other Iron Maiden songs. And I saw them live at the Graspop Festival. That was pretty cool, exept that they didnt play Fear Of The Dark. But they played Prowler (my favorite song).
I didnt say that in a negative way... we just found it funny.

And, in turn, I wasn't entirely serious. ;) You can insult Bruce if you want, although my puppy-dog eyes might later ask for compassion.

In other news, I'm closing this thread. We're just chatting, the OP never came back to contribute to whatever his rant was about, and we can keep mooning over Bruce Dickinson in the chat thread, or, in my case, in bed like I do every night.
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