i hate the phone, but talking to a new chick for like 3 hours straight is pretty cool

yeah that sucks. oh well, look at it this way, if she's still hung up on that she's obviously not nad material. at least you found out sooner rather than later. still, that's harsh :(
work all day
To pay the rent.
Before the money’s earned,
It’s all been allocated.
I got nothing on my plate,
But I wish that I were fat.
Nine more gallons,
And I’ll have me a hat.
MajestikMøøse said:
so now you should kill her and stuff.

i'm actually surprised how pissed off i am about this, i guess i really did/do like her. she was the 4th bint i've dated since that hemorage of a 4-year relationship ended (coming up on a year now), and the first to have really gotten to me. sometimes you eat the bar, sometimes the bar eats you.
i can completely understand being stuck on an ex. i mean in small tiny places somewhere below the cockles of my heart, a few women reside. chances are, they'll always be there (one, maybe two of them). but that sure as fuck doesn't mean i don't know how to move on and tackle a good thing when i see it.

but then again, i'm not a woman. she said it wasn't in her capacity to have feelings for more than one person at the same time, and me being the first dude she's dated since her lengthy on-again / off-again boyfriend of 6 years, i guess i can understand. but at the same time, no. just no! a bit over a year ago, i was deeply in love and discussing kids and marriage and shit. that rug got swept underneath me (although i did the initial tug, whoops), but still. MOVE ON.

Doomcifer said:
Make her forget about her ex-bf by kicking her ass in bed.
i know, that's a consideration. she said she'd still like to hang out, i told her to call me in a few weeks. if i can hit the magic number 14 again, i'll fuck all the ex right outta her. :rock:

no i'm not counting on that. but still makes a good funny. :loco:
we'll see what happens. i'm not the type to dwell on a chick and not take no for an answer (only went semi-psycho on ONE girl, not proud of that :erk: ), but if she calls me up i'll try to hit them shitz. otherwise fuckit, i have a few others lined up right now that i wasn't interested in, but might do well if i resume the roll of Blowjob Bandit like i was last year. :loco:

either way i think tonight is a perfect night to watch Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon just to remind me about how bad my love situation isn't.
fuck ... this thread is now shit ...

not a fucking rebound guy ... you cannot be a rebound guy ...

6 year relationship for a young chick like that is an eternity ... she does not know anything else ...

start bragging about the 14 orgasms :loco:
i'll let her do all the contacting. i made my feelings clear about her so the ball is in her court if she feels like playing. she hasn't even seen this dude in over a year but has avoided male contact until me, so yeah, still considered a rebound. i just found out my bro, who is getting married in a few months, is the rebound dude for his chick. they've been together for several years, and they are totally gay for one another. diff'rent strokes i suppose.

either way, i just finished writing basslines to two new Sheetz songs so it's still a productive evening. :kickass:
lurch70 said:
she sounds like she just a little scared ... and testing you
could be. i know i'm hoping that, i really do like her. :loco:

i told her she shouldn't let past feelings get in her way of having a good time in the present. she said it wouldn't be fair to me (which is cool), but then again i say who cares? just go with the flow. i told her my current motto of "FUCK RULES" the other night and she thought it was a good way to live life, so she oughtta listen to me. god dammit.

i'm not counting on this going anywhere. when a young relationship stops, it's generally The End. i might might drop her a line in a few weeks and say "god dammit, you need to take a ride on the NAD Train and realize there are no stops and you don't want them anyhow. ex-boyfriend? you don't have no stinkin ex-boyfriend because I FUCKING ATE HIM. final destination, bliss."

something like that.