i hate the phone, but talking to a new chick for like 3 hours straight is pretty cool

I suck at animation and especially animation with sound. So i use a combination of a basic hand sketch for a base, scan it in, model the object and do the texturing/reflections in 3Dstudio max then use photoshop to tweak it. It'd be an image.

I've done a few others images that way, my favourite being the dead rose.


I'd draw/paint something like this by hand, but I always make a million mistakes and erasers only do so good of a job, so I'm forced to use computers. Some day when I have money i'll invest in one of those little pad dealies that lets you draw on it and have it go into the computer (huzzah for undo).
Erik said:

Transfixed... I gaze through my window at a world lying under a shroud of frost. In a forlorn stupor I feel the burning of staring eyes, yet no one is here. Detached from reality, in the Knowing of dreams, we know the entity of ensuing agony waits to clasp us in its cold breast, in an empty room. We awake and it's true... and there is no song... just a delusion of silence...



Euhm... NO

E-bortion said:
matt's sexier than maren could ever dream to be
Yeah I know. He could get someone better than me.

Someone like... you.

markgugs said:
Just make sure none of the following apply to you:
hiphop/ techno/ mainstream radio pop/ jazz fan - fail
no sense of humour/ irony/ sarcasm/ cynism - fail
So whattya say?

Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
I still intend to one day travel to germany and buy you a/several/many beer for all the music I've gleaned from your posts
Shall I re-consider going to Wacken next year? :dopey:

lurch70 said:
then I thought of Maren ...
is that wrong?
Yes. :loco:

god damn nad said:
i hear Tiamat and i think of erik.
That happens to me too... :erk:

Then I hear Swans or NIN, and I think of you. I hear gay vocals, and I think of fucking I Of the fucking Storm.

god damn nad said:
"you really need a haircut"

WTF?! I wake up, thinking this would be another awful day, then I check the forum... and find myself on the floor, laughing my ass off.

I LOVE YOU guys.

god damn nad said:
in college i was very close with a girl, we were just friends. i of course wanted more but didn't push it because she had a long distance boyfriend (read: i was a wuss), but we spent a whole lot of time with one another and were regularly asked "how long have you two been together?" yeah that was always awkward.
I had a female friend like this whilst in college. In a rare glimpse of rationality, I realized I would never be her love interest and so we were truly best friends. Everyone always assumed we were a couple because we even scheduled alot of our classes together. Alas, twas not true....our only brief fumbling toward ecstasy was coming back from the Oktoberfest totally drunk; we both barfed on the streetcar and then made out:loco:

barf isn't disgusting when you're both 18 and have both hurled.:blush: