I have passed my diploma!!! :)

Dudes, I´m proud as fuck. I wanna share this awesome moment in my life with you fellow sneapsters :)

Last Saturday I had the examination at the Guitar Institute Munich. Wolfgang Zenk :worship: (former SIEGES EVEN, 7for4) was one of the auditors. It was fucking difficult, I was been tested in:

-Ear training,
-Sight reading (after a first black-out I stayed cool)
-style (Metal) Satch Boogie by Joe Satriani
-style (fusion) Revelation by Robben Ford
-style (bebop) Affirmation by George Benson

Now my "title" is the following: "graduated guitarist & studio musician" or Dipl. Gitarrist (ger)

I really enjoyed to play the song affirmation. It grooves like hell and George Benson is the man! I love the video on youtube and this is what I performed at the examination.

I´m so fucking happy right now :hotjump: They will send me the diploma certificate and I´ll take some pictures...(Or it didn´t happen..haha I know the rules)

Wow. Congrats!

Btw Felix, why'd you get rid of your avatar? It's so much easier to identify people when they have a picture :D

THANKS, ERKAN!!! :lol:

great stuff mate, im getting mine in 2 weeks time in dublin - its a Higher National Diploma in Rock in the Irish Rock School

Yeah this sounds great, will you do kind of examination there? If yes, I wish you all luck, dude! What instruments are you specialized for?

Btw Felix, why'd you get rid of your avatar? It's so much easier to identify people when they have a picture

Yes I know, Marcus. Now i´ve one again. It´s like a haircut...something special in life happens and some people change avatars then :)

Awesome Job, Dude.

Thanks, dude!!
damn, I suck at sight reading...

It is fucking difficult, when I was a child I learned solfa, music theory or however it is said. I could sing basic pentagrams in real time while reading... Now, 25 years after, my brain has some seconds of latency and I sing it after processing... but very badly. I should change my brain interface or something.
Congrats Felix!
I considered one of those courses at one point. It may be something I do later in life when I get bored enough or in retirement haha.

Thanks dude! When you spend a lot of time for training and you getting teached by a good master (who has the ability to motivate) it´s not the worst thing in life :) It has braught me a lot, what is more important than a piece of paper. Although some possible students/parents of students have asked me about my certification.

major congrats...
I'm envious.....
damn, I suck at sight reading...
wanna teach me ?

Thanks Lasse!! No need to. Believe me, I´m more envious about your skills as an audio engineer hahaha :)

I hate sightreading! 5 signs tempo 140 16 'Sheet..FUCK! This is infernal!
:muahaha: Now that's metal :p

In spanish Pentagrama = stave, compas...,

I guess that in english is only this: