I love Mesa Amps and Cabs so much....

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
that I not onlyx got the "Mesa Engineering" logo tattooed into my arm but I've just bought another 2ch dual rec.....#261 revC this time ;).

now all I gotta do is raise the ridiculous amount of money I offered the guy selling it.....got two days...who wants a 1k reamping or something? :)
god damn that rules id get a mesa tat on me i love mesa to death. but if you get that rev c you have to put up clips of it. that is like the holy grail of rec tone.

yeah, I plan on doing comparison clips between that one and my revF.

same tubes (swap the tubes between the amps), same settings etc...really looking forward to that.

I wish the rev C was also a blackface, it's not...
on the other hand...a blackface and a chrome one in the same shelf will look ace ;)
to hold me off until i can get a 2 channel cause i work in a store that stocks mesa. so i can get a brand new dual rec for less then iv seen people selling older two channel rec's for on ebay.

that's a point...
on the other hand....I don't care whether the amp is new or used. I'll have Svartsot bring in their 3ch Rectos in October...I'll definitely make a comparison between the 3ch and 2ch
that's a point...
on the other hand....I don't care whether the amp is new or used. I'll have Svartsot bring in their 3ch Rectos in October...I'll definitely make a comparison between the 3ch and 2ch

Dude, OH MY GOD that would rule - I'm still kinda feeling the 3 ch. sounds slightly more "processed"/slick, but I also feel like when both a 2 ch. and a 3 ch. are nicely saturated, the excessive 6k fizz isn't as present (or is able to be dialed out) on a 3 ch. - this is all from speculation and clips, however, as I've never played a 3 ch.

And I'll also be curious to hear how much of a difference there is in sound between your Rev C and Rev F (considering the kind of stuff that's written about the differences here, not to mention the ridiculous prices those old models can command)

And I won't believe in this Mesa tat until I see it - but if it's real, I may have to prove my worth as a fan as well now that the bar's been raised! :D)
That would rule id like the hear the difference. like i know they sound completely different from when i tried out a two recto verb and a 3 channel rec

Ack, do you mean Tremoverb dude? Cuz that was a Dual Rec, but the Recto Verb is a Single Rec :ill: (with 'verb)
chrome treadplate, black chassis.

nothing looks as good as a chrome chassis with a black faceplate imo...but on the othe rhand it's cool to have to different ones...
I'll re-tolex the new one in boa I think ;)

So you could swap the enclosures and knobs and have one black/black recto and one chrome/chrome? I'd pay a buck to see that. :tickled:
And I won't believe in this Mesa tat until I see it - but if it's real, I may have to prove my worth as a fan as well now that the bar's been raised! :D)

I`m totally doing it. sorry to snag the idea lasse, But that is a totally bitchin idea for a tat! and im in a different continent so who cares lol.

I`ll probably just get a tat of the dual rec head