I Made A Song

affinityband said:
Ohhh well thank you hehe, its just a one man thing at the moment unfortunatley. *crys*

That's unfortunate, cuz your music is really really good.

Good Stuff Frugi. Never thought the Fruityloops would sound so good. I can only imagine how much time that took. Great vox also !

Damn there's alot of talent on this forum. Some of you guys should hook up & make a supergroup.
opeth8 said:
Damn there's alot of talent on this forum. Some of you guys should hook up & make a supergroup.

:lol: Yep, FRUGiHOYi's effort defecates massively on anything I've ever tried to record. I would be way too embarassed to post any of my noodling.
Impressive work, FRUGiHOYi! That's a cool song - it has a very particular vibe to it. I think I like the breakdown and the second half of the song best. Also, like everyone says, your growls are really really good!

And I think that the dynamics problems people mentioned might be helped with a better mixing/recording. I'm not bitching about it either, since the overall quality is good, but mixing and recording changes might help put emphasis and/or "lift" particular points in your song. Just my humble opinion and experience!

Great work, hope to hear more from you in the future!
affinityband said:
Mines pretty much an Opeth rip off. Just before anyone beats me too it.

Don't see anything wrong with that. Good music is good music, regardless if your breaking new ground or not.
The Opeth influences are evident, but I find it very impressive. Great groove & solid instrument play from start to finish.
So like many people said it would do good with a few changes or transitions and it is a bit too long, but your doing well with them growls and I like the sound of the left channel guitar - old school raw \m/ ! Drums are also ok, maybe a bit more bass would help, right now it too ...And justice for all ;) Overall, good one :)