I Need Your Help!

The Metal Chick

In the Dragon's Den
Mar 31, 2003
Chicago, IL
Hey everyone,

I've returned to the forum briefly to request your assistance with something. For my class in school I have the opportunity to write a creative essay on any topic I feel passionate about. I think it's pretty obvious as to what (or more accurately, who) I'm going to write about. ;)

Anyway, the reason I'm asking for your help is because I've chosen my topic to be a little more specific than just SymX. I want to write about how this awesome band has affected their fans, personally and/or emotionally. I think we all know how powerful thier music is, how incredibly proficient they are at what they do, and how humble and down-to-earth they are as human beings.

And so, my fellow fans, tell me how they've affected you. They've inspired many of us in our musical and artistic endeavors, and I know quite a few of you have stories of meeting them and experiencing their kindness and desire to be accessible. So, tell me about them! Anything you can share that might help me show the power SymX has over us is greatly appreciated.

(btw, since this is a for real research paper, you guys are my 'sources.' That means I'll need to quote what I choost to include, so if you can tell me your name, that would be great. If you're uncomfortable saying your name here, send me a PM or something.)

Thanks in advance for your help! :)
Mark McCloskey, age 19 (20 July 21st, if it's not due until after then)

Symphony X has inspired me in many ways. First off, they have inspired me to take a greater interest in the musicianship of the bands that I listen to. Whereas I used to listen to such generic bands as The Offspring, Nirvana, and even others such as Helmet, now I prefer to jam out to Dream Theater, Ayreon, Shadow Gallery or Rhapsody. Thanks to Symphony X, I now know of the large amount of underground and virtually unheard-of up-and-coming metal bands. Symphony X has also shown me the power of classical music. Their sound is so laced with classical stylings that it is impossible to listen to them without becoming inspired to explore some classical compositions. Those were not the only ways that Symphony X has affected my life by a long shot. Symphony X was also the reason that I made two trips down to Virginia from Pennsylvania. The first of these trips was my first concert (excluding a couple of local Lynyrd Skynyrd concerts that I went to because of Skynyrd being my Dad's favorite band). Also, though I have not taken up an instrument myself, I can very easily vouch for the fact that between Dream Theater and Symphony X, my brother, Ryan McCloskey, has been pushed harder than ever to try to become better at his chosen instrument, the guitar.

In conclusion, were it not for Symphony X, it is likely that I would still think that Nirvana, Jimi Hendrix and the Red Hot Chili Peppers were some of the best bands out there. I would likely be enjoying being spoon-fed my musical tastes through the media. Thanks to those musical geniuses, I can now enjoy epic, 20+ minute masterpieces based on classic masterworks and poems (e.g. Homer's "Odyssey" and John Milton's "Paradise Lost"). I can also enjoy many varied bands that I was able to discover solely due to their relation and similarity to Symphony X and the common interests of many Symphony X fans.
Being a "classical" and a prog aficionado since i was a kid, it was easy for me to understand SymphonyX´s music. I discovered them in 1997 with their amazing album "The Divine Wings of Tragedy".

I have no doubts that they are and they will the best progressive metal band ever.

It is all i have to say.
Ayreon Guardian X said:
Hey, MetalChick, I hope that you are asking for this stuff on other message boards and from other people, because it doesn't seem like people care on this board....

Yeah it seems so. A long time ago I think we had some kind of SymX appreciation thread, and everyone had all sorts of great things to say - I was hoping for another one. All those people don't post here anymore, it seems. I don't belong to any other boards, either.

Man...am I gonna have to pick another topic? Or are the fans here not feeling the same effect from SymX that we are?

This is why I don't spend a lot of time here anymore. :erk:

Ayreon Guadian X, thanks for your reply though :)
I wish I spotted this one sooner.

I have a lot of inspirational stories due to Symphony X; some of which I will not post here; but let me just say that they were and are the perfect band for me. The band that I've ALWAYS been looking for; ever since I sat down and imagined the best that music could really and possibly ever be.

And it's gotten me through some really tough times as well and given me the real hope that good music will never be truly defeated; and that melody and tonal chromaticism will still be something that musicians give a shit about.

I don't know if their desire for creative good came from their love for great music; their disdain at the advent of colorless grunge; or the desire to knock Dream Theater on their ass: but I will say that I'm just so thankful they exist(and I hope it was for all three reasons). :)
Just playing lead isn't what Symphony X is all about but they made me realize the beauty of the lead guitar and how important it really is in music. They single handedly opened me up to the "calmer end" of metal. Previous to them, I listened only to the brutal growling and crunching guitars of the death metal band. Now I find myself oddly in love with albums like Ayreon's, "Universal Migrator Pt. 1."
Imaginarium said:
They (along with dream theater) opened up the world of prog to me. And actually gave my life a kick-start again.

Like Imaginarium, I can easily say that if it weren't for Symphony X (in addition to Dream Theater), I might not have ever been introduced to the world of prog music. Ever since hearing the opening notes to Communion and the Oracle, I've known that this type of music is EXACTLY what I had been looking for. V was, and remains to this day, one of my favorite albums of all time, from one of my favorite bands.

Seeing them play live was one of the biggest thrills I've had musically, ever. Probably the best song I've ever seen played live is The Odyssey; the entire 20-plus minute performance gave me chills, and I loved witnessing the passion that those four guys have for the music that they write.

EDIT: Mike Diaz, 21
Thanks a lot guys for your comments :)

Prismatic Sphere said:
I have a lot of inspirational stories due to Symphony X; some of which I will not post here

Man, this is the kind of stuff I NEED. I need stories. I should probably describe the assignment, but it's not that easy. I'm a fiction writing major and this particular class focuses on personal experience instead of fiction. I need 'researched instances' if that makes any sense. I've already told the class my stories, so I need other people to share theirs.

Prismatic Sphere, I totally respect your privacy. But.......I would love you forever if you can tell me at least something...

I feel like such a journalist, hounding you people for stories :loco: Think of this as a unique way of spreading the greatness of SymX to the world (or at least the 9 people in my class), but not just in terms of their music. They're great people too. It's the combination of both that makes SymX so fucking awesome.
Jeff Potts, age 19.

I really liked SX from the beginning - their inclusion of classical pieces, great works of literature, and progressive yet catchy metal always stood out to me, as well as the fact that everyone in the band is an incredibly skilled musician.

Meeting the band was like a dream for me, and I got to do so after two of their concerts (the best shows I've ever been to). They were such nice guys that the star-struck feeling wore off after a while and we just chatted about music and anything else - they couldn't have been cooler guys.

As a musician, their music has done a lot for me. I can't count the number of times I've wanted to push my skills on guitar, so I would pick a Symphony X song that utilizes a certain idea or technique to master it. I'm now attending school for music, and the things I've learned from studying SX songs has really given me a great basis to go from. The music I write is also really influenced by Symphony X's neoclassical/power/prog metal style.

Basically, the band has helped me by creating genius music that I can enjoy and learn a lot from, and they're also great guys. V is still my favorite album (Up there with Led Zeppelin IV. Maybe I just have a thing for roman numerals...).

Edit: Wow, I was tired when I posted this - lotta typos.
Symphony X really open me up to the entire world of Prog Metal, and they also opened me up to several other interests. Like before I started listening to them, I had minimal interest in things such as Mythology and stuff like that,but listening to V sparked an unprecidented interst in Atlantis and the stories relating to it. So yeah.
Also, musically, now Symphony X is one of my key influences in guitar playing, as well as other instruments. Before them, I never would have ever attempthed trying to play polyrhythms, or odd time signatures, (unless it was in one of my band's songs.) Now, I can't write songs without them. Symphony X is definitely an amazing band and should be seen this way, world wide. ESPECIALLY in AMERICA!!!!
Ayreon Guardian X said:
Hey, MetalChick, I hope that you are asking for this stuff on other message boards and from other people, because it doesn't seem like people care on this board....

Naah, it's just summer..lots of folks have better things to do than sit online all day, is all, and many of the kids who may have posted from college don't have the same internet access at home as they did at school.
Well, would YOU be able to help her, O Mighty Jax? I already posted what I had to say, and it was one of the largest posts in this thread...I don't know, I mean, I just want The Metal Chick to succeed...come on, she's writing a paper based around one of the best bands in the world...she may introduce some of her classmates to them if her paper is good enough...
Ayreon Guardian X said:
Well, would YOU be able to help her, O Mighty Jax? I already posted what I had to say, and it was one of the largest posts in this thread...I don't know, I mean, I just want The Metal Chick to succeed...come on, she's writing a paper based around one of the best bands in the world...she may introduce some of her classmates to them if her paper is good enough...

My experience with the band isn't average, so I don't know if it'd count, but Amanda knows she can ask me to share it with her if she wants.
Stu age 48 Lititz, PA

Finding Symphony X renewed my hope in true talent within the music industry. I was a working musician for many years, also had opportunitities throughout the 70's and early 80's to get to know many recording artists who had become very successful. But from around the mid-80's on, I became disillusioned with the quality of music which was being "force-fed" to the public, especially the kids. I removed myself from it all for awhile, as I had witnessed firsthand the deception and manipulation involved in mass-marketing product passed off as "music". I had been a fan of progressive music all along (starting mid 60's). My wife and kids were all exposed to many genres of music, and ironically the kids grasped onto prog and prog metal at early ages. When my wife and I found Symphony X, we immediately recognized the immense talent, individually and collectively. Then when we saw them live for the first time in a small niteclub, there was no turning back. They became a major part of our lives. Involvement with the Forum has provided us with many new band interests and a refreshing insight into a very interesting group of people, those who choose to follow true talent in a genre of music which offers many subgenres and options.
You guys rule :headbang: I think I just might pull this off...

Jax said:
My experience with the band isn't average, so I don't know if it'd count, but Amanda knows she can ask me to share it with her if she wants.

I was secretly hoping you'd reply, because you have the ultimate stories. I didn't want to ask because I wasn't sure if you'd be willing to share, especially in some difficult times for you...
Marc Lujan, 25

Hi Metal Chick,
That's awesome that you have an assignment like this. I, unfortunately, haven't had the chance to see them live, much less meet them, but their impact upon my personal life and musical endeavors has been monumental. Hopefully this will help some.

I too used to listen to stuff like Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins, etc. (which I still enjoy), but once I discovered the whole new world that is Prog (courtesy of Dream Theater), I knew I found something good. I find myself jamming on guitar and bass more to SX than any other cd I have. My own recordings are so indicative of their influence on me as well. Since I discovered them, I am now listening to classical music more than I ever have and truly appreciate the historical work of art and influence it is upon western culture. Those pieces were direct expressions of feelings, memories, and observations of specific points in time. That music took extreme talent and focus to create, and those qualities are what makes great things stand out.

Also, the band has sparked an interest to learn more about history's famous works and stories ("Paradise Lost," Homer, ancient Egypt, the Crusades, etc.). Not only can they be entertaining, but one's eyes are opened up to our world's cultures and how they may have had a part in shaping our own world. In other words, Symphony X are that rare entity that can entertain, as well as hold a link to knowledge for listeners. Maybe not always a direct source, but it can lead them to a good direction. Hope my novel here can help you some. Good luck with your paper. :headbang:
The Metal Chick said:
You guys rule :headbang: I think I just might pull this off...

I was secretly hoping you'd reply, because you have the ultimate stories. I didn't want to ask because I wasn't sure if you'd be willing to share, especially in some difficult times for you...

Aww that's so considerate of you, thanks Amanda. Drop me an e-mail & let me know in a little more detail what you need (otherwise I could write for days..LOL) & I'll get something written up for you. :)