I thought we had it bad, LOL....


Jul 24, 2002
So I was perusing through different stuff on Wikipedia.org, just reading band pages and stuff. I came across the page for My Dying Bride. Here's the bulk of what the page had to say, mainly concerning their "34.788% Complete" album...

The highly experimental 34.788%...Complete was widely regarded as an extreme detour from the bands other works, and split fans down the middle. The vast majority of long-time fans that had listened to the band since Towards The Sinister have dismissed the album as not being made by the band at all, but by a group of impostors. Especially cited as a reason for this is the song 'Heroin Chic' - one fan has stated, to almost universal agreement, that the reason he so enjoyed the band was the lack of repetition in their material. For this reason, Heroin Chic, with its frequent repetitions of lyrics of the "nah nah nah yeah yeah yeah" variety, as fans like this describe it, has been written off as a spit in the face of fans. It is interesting to note that reactions to following albums are often sharply divided along the lines of reaction to 34.788%...Complete. Those accepting of it deride The Light at the End of the World as being a complacent exercise of treading water, while those who refuse to acknowledge 34.788%...Complete as canonical consider The Light at the End of the World to contain some of their best material since Turn Loose the Swans. My Dying Bride entered something of a hiatus after this, releasing two retrospective albums Meisterwerk 1 and Meisterwerk 2. These albums lay halfway between best of albums and rarity compilations and had no clear target audience. Completists of the band, while appreciating the early demos and rare tracks, bemoaned the many album tracks included, while those new to the band acquired a peculiar, career-spanning introduction which lacked coherence."

I realise that Wikipedia is comprised of info that many different people contribute to the site, but wow, what a completely biased and opinionated bunch of crap that is!! lol Certain factors, like "34.788..." being controversial and dividing amongst fans, I think can be stated as fact for the most part. But alot of the other comments are ridiculous, and very one sided. I like how whoever wrote it tries to put it across as the opinion of "the fans" or "many fans" of the band, but I think it's apparent that it's in fact the opinion of the author themself. I know quite a few people who think that album is good in it's own right, even if it was quite different from their other output. The "vast majority" is a bullshit thing to claim, as there's no way this author knows the true opinions of the "vast majority" of fans out there. Especially when, as we've seen and experienced many times, it seems that the most vocal people are usually the ones with the most bitching to do, LOL. And the comment about how people " have dismissed the album as not being made by the band at all, but by a group of impostors" has to be one of the dumbest and most laughable things I've heard lately :lol: Wikipedia needs better quality control, I think!

Another example of lame biased "journalism" at it's finest :yuk:
So I was perusing through different stuff on Wikipedia.org, just reading band pages and stuff. I came across the page for My Dying Bride. Here's the bulk of what the page had to say, mainly concerning their "34.788% Complete" album...

The highly experimental 34.788%...Complete was widely regarded as an extreme detour from the bands other works, and split fans down the middle. The vast majority of long-time fans that had listened to the band since Towards The Sinister have dismissed the album as not being made by the band at all, but by a group of impostors. Especially cited as a reason for this is the song 'Heroin Chic' - one fan has stated, to almost universal agreement, that the reason he so enjoyed the band was the lack of repetition in their material. For this reason, Heroin Chic, with its frequent repetitions of lyrics of the "nah nah nah yeah yeah yeah" variety, as fans like this describe it, has been written off as a spit in the face of fans. It is interesting to note that reactions to following albums are often sharply divided along the lines of reaction to 34.788%...Complete. Those accepting of it deride The Light at the End of the World as being a complacent exercise of treading water, while those who refuse to acknowledge 34.788%...Complete as canonical consider The Light at the End of the World to contain some of their best material since Turn Loose the Swans. My Dying Bride entered something of a hiatus after this, releasing two retrospective albums Meisterwerk 1 and Meisterwerk 2. These albums lay halfway between best of albums and rarity compilations and had no clear target audience. Completists of the band, while appreciating the early demos and rare tracks, bemoaned the many album tracks included, while those new to the band acquired a peculiar, career-spanning introduction which lacked coherence."

I realise that Wikipedia is comprised of info that many different people contribute to the site, but wow, what a completely biased and opinionated bunch of crap that is!! lol Certain factors, like "34.788..." being controversial and dividing amongst fans, I think can be stated as fact for the most part. But alot of the other comments are ridiculous, and very one sided. I like how whoever wrote it tries to put it across as the opinion of "the fans" or "many fans" of the band, but I think it's apparent that it's in fact the opinion of the author themself. I know quite a few people who think that album is good in it's own right, even if it was quite different from their other output. The "vast majority" is a bullshit thing to claim, as there's no way this author knows the true opinions of the "vast majority" of fans out there. Especially when, as we've seen and experienced many times, it seems that the most vocal people are usually the ones with the most bitching to do, LOL. And the comment about how people " have dismissed the album as not being made by the band at all, but by a group of impostors" has to be one of the dumbest and most laughable things I've heard lately :lol: Wikipedia needs better quality control, I think!

Another example of lame biased "journalism" at it's finest :yuk:

That's par for the course in wikipedia. That's a MUSIC REVIEW. Try looking up historical articles that are contested, like on the Armenian Genocide, or the Ukranian famine (holdomor). Check the comments and citations, and the posts on them. Sometimes they're REALLY funny.

Some of wiki's entries are just one huge flame war.

Also, I didn't like that My Dying Bride album. But I was a teenager when I heard it, maybe now that I'm ancient I'll appreciate it.

Wiki, however, has excellent Pokemon and Transformers coverage, I must say.
I can understand that theres plenty of people who don't like that album, but it cracks me up when people (like the person who contributed this info for wikipedia) try to make their own opinions "fact". I can just imagine what these other articles, like the Armenian and Ukrainian ones, have to say! I'll have to go check them out.

On a side note about that album.....I always hear people commenting about that album and going on and on about "Heroin Chic". It's only one song on the album, folks. Yes there's other stuff on the album that strays from the typical MDB format in ways, but there's also plenty of familiar stuff on there as well. I think it's just that people use that song as their excuse for why they hate it, rather than use their brains a bit more and delve any deeper into it haha
Wiki is a source like any other. Use it with care and criticism and you should be fine ;)

I have seen plenty of wiki pages fort artists that have disclaimers like "this section is written as a fan review" "this section doesn't cite its sources" "this section is written as an album review" "this section requires cleanup" etc. Remember wiki offers articles about a wide arrange of subject. Don't even think of getting articles for some underground band in Brittanica...

I admit of being a huge wiki fan. It's great really... I use it almost as much as google to look up things. Of course it has articles like these that suck, but you can see that from the start and it does provide you with plenty of information.
I can understand that theres plenty of people who don't like that album, but it cracks me up when people (like the person who contributed this info for wikipedia) try to make their own opinions "fact". I can just imagine what these other articles, like the Armenian and Ukrainian ones, have to say! I'll have to go check them out.

On a side note about that album.....I always hear people commenting about that album and going on and on about "Heroin Chic". It's only one song on the album, folks. Yes there's other stuff on the album that strays from the typical MDB format in ways, but there's also plenty of familiar stuff on there as well. I think it's just that people use that song as their excuse for why they hate it, rather than use their brains a bit more and delve any deeper into it haha

Can you read Armenian and Ukranian..wow? :lol:

Sorry for the OT
Hah... wow man, you need to go on tour or something? But then again, I never notice little details like that - I can't pick out bias. I'm like "hmm, interesting..." Hmm... I like their Songs of Darkness, Words of Light CD the most. I think it is incredible.

But anyway, I didn't want to start a new thread, but there's a new review of the Rainwound CD that mentions both November's Doom and Subterannean Masquerade after all the stuff we went through about me not mentioning you guys, someone else pulls that out, and not only that but mentions the side project - S.M. - which I haven't even heard much of. :(

But yeah, what do you think of that?

And what the hell... x_x just so you know, it's Brandon Strader, not Brendan Stradner. :(
That album took me forever to actually enjoy, But after finally "getting it" That is one of their most diverse, and emotive albums to date. Loved it! That is funny how the guy posted his oppinion as fact though, god damn fucktard!
I remember when my co-admins announced the SYL/DEV fansite I worked with was going wiki. It was pretty much "run to the hills" time for me. Going through and tweaking discography entries or pointing someone to a newsletter from '95 to correct a misconception was pretty simple. However, the possibility of having to go in and try to make it so "Alien was the one that de-gayed SYL after the gayness of the self-titled that gayed gay out of its gayhole" was no longer presented as fact 5x a week made me need to not be around anymore.