I woke up this morning...

Does the board seems dead?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 7 33.3%

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where misanthrope is concerned, my main point is that normally a person of average intelligence stably learns moderate, contained ways of self-expression around the age of twelve - he may or may not have missed the phase, but i don't want the level of the dialogue to be so low. before someone argues that i called him a cocksucker myself, yes, that's what one does to communicate with that kind of people.
hyena said:
where misanthrope is concerned, my main point is that normally a person of average intelligence stably learns moderate, contained ways of self-expression around the age of twelve - he may or may not have missed the phase, but i don't want the level of the dialogue to be so low. before someone argues that i called him a cocksucker myself, yes, that's what one does to communicate with that kind of people.

A person learns to moderate and its exceedingly capable of doing so in any social situation where a strict code of conduct is expected, like for example, on a professional situation. It is my point of view that while on those very specific circunstances moderation and restrain might be benefical for all parts involved, in recreational activities or other petty social activities its an excercise in futility: Maybe you noticed not, but i rather not restrain myself at all not because i am not able to, but because i choose not to given the fact that most useless social situations are filled with hypocrisy everywhere i turn.

So, as i learn from ( bitter ) experience the metal comunity is no different from the general hypocrisy an backstabbing nonsense i must endure during day to day life, and if anything, is much more worst, so im perfectly honest in my contempt for the metal brotherhood attitude that expects me to respect people because they happen to like a certain genre or a certain band. Respect is something you own, not something to be given to the first person who walks in because he happens to wear a Morbid Angel tshirt. So i dont respect nobody, specially if they make ridiculous demands to "tune down" my language or behavior without any logical grounds other than a miserably poor atempt at pseudo-psychology or some laughable ideal about goodwill.

So in other words: shove your keyboard up your ass if you dont like it. I have little interest in your misguided asumptions about me so do not asume my behavior comes from insecurity, its gonna take way more than a pathetic yet cute baseless insult at my intelligence to shatter my ego.
You're nothing more than a very disturbed person, gone bitter over the years. You dont restrain yourself because we're not worthy of your respect, as we're just as hypocritical as the rest of society?
What are you, thirteen?

I think what you perceive as hypocrisy is nothing but misanthropia and bitterness, and maybe jealousy.
But then again, you're no better than us because despite your pity on us, you still wont leave. What is it that keeps you here then?
Taliesin said:
You're nothing more than a very disturbed person, gone bitter over the years. You dont restrain yourself because we're not worthy of your respect, as we're just as hypocritical as the rest of society?
What are you, thirteen?

And you know all this how exactly? Its funny seeing all this Freud wannabies that think that you can even get to know a person by the letters he posts on some random forum.

In any case no i do not respect anyone on a freaking meaningless irrelevant internet forum, In real life i know when and where to restrain myself, otherwise i wouldnt be able to live in society at all, and trust me im no Zarathustra. How can you even think and asume that my actions directly represent my behavior in real life its beyond me. If i was to point a sign of inmaturity my choice would be taking internet forums as a serious indication of real life.

But more important, i usually do not feel like i need to explain myself to strangers just because they want a happy jollie forum, that is the moderator's job, if they decide they are happy with the way i posted then they decide the way i post is fine by them, if is not fine by you then you cant really do nothing about it now can you?

I think what you perceive as hypocrisy is nothing but misanthropia and bitterness, and maybe jealousy.
But then again, you're no better than us because despite your pity on us, you still wont leave. What is it that keeps you here then?

I like the band, a few ( maybe 2 or 3 ) of the people who post here are good friends of mine and some others might come by and drop a line or two.
*Makes popcorn*

Yeah, I think misanthropes kind of right... on a forum if someone is whining it's quite easy to just ignore it or not validate it with a response. Hypocrisy in this case seems to be that people are telling Mis not to whine, but then go and post all their hauls in the Nf thread.

@ Misanthrope: When you get abusive in your responses: are you actually angry at the person; or are you just breaking the politeness maxim to be avante garde (not a good word for it, but you know what I mean?)?
King Chaos said:
*Makes popcorn*

Yeah, I think misanthropes kind of right... on a forum if someone is whining it's quite easy to just ignore it or not validate it with a response. Hypocrisy in this case seems to be that people are telling Mis not to whine, but then go and post all their hauls in the Nf thread.

@ Misanthrope: When you get abusive in your responses: are you actually angry at the person; or are you just breaking the politeness maxim to be avante garde (not a good word for it, but you know what I mean?)?

Im not angry at all, mainly because i do not think of any of my responses as abusive. To start, how can you abuse someone with letters unless you use bright fucking neon colors to hurt their eyes? Second, my responses are responses are reflections of annoyance at most. People just see me like that because im blunt and i do not spare anyone's feelings, if they are dumb enough to be hurted/abused/whatever by what some guy at some forum says they either deserve it or have a bigger problem. Kinda like those guys who kill themselves of others over internet gaming stuff.
King Chaos said:
Yeah, I think misanthropes kind of right... on a forum if someone is whining it's quite easy to just ignore it or not validate it with a response. Hypocrisy in this case seems to be that people are telling Mis not to whine, but then go and post all their hauls in the Nf thread.
I think there's a significant difference between Missies whining and talking about sad or annoying things that happened in the person's life
re the discussion on restraint: i happen to think that politeness is a virtue per se. i don't go around shouting curses or eating with my elbows on the table because i find it mildly disgusting, not because otherwise i lose a job/friends/respect on someone's part. civility is only really learnt when you actually enjoy it, so the point of being decent so as not to offend people is totally moot. i don't like people who enjoy being rude, and nor should you, or anyone else.
Misanthrope said:
So far ive seen none of this supposed shit getting back at my face,
If you can't see the shit, it doesn't mean it's not there. Shit can have other forms than the stupid name-calling ones you're used to.

La Rocque said:
Who are these people that are impressed?
Perhaps he means himself. ;)

I'm with Taliesin and hyena on this.
Misanthrope really disappoints me because many of his replies to quotes are totally irrelevant.
And La Rocque is right, this is just giving Mis the attention that he seeks, so let's just ignore the stupid fuck.
@Siren: Oh yea you're all doing a fine job at ignoring me, Replying to me really shows how much you ignore me now doesnt it? Idiot fucktard you make no fucking sense you all started replying and talking. If you made any sense at all i would believe you're giving me back shit, but you're just making an ass out of yourself.

@Hyena: So im supposed to be the dumb one and you're the motherufucking idiot who follows a stupid arbitrary set of rules and that actually satisfies you? Are you that desperate for approval? Are you that stupid? And you dont have to say anything i already know the answers and excuses and bullshit.
Nobody said we were going to ignore you.

Tell me, how are our tries to get along hypocritical? You're right, it's just an internet board and all, but to some of us, it may be important. You might say "Get a life!" now. I do have a life, and a quite interesting one I might add, and I find this board to be an interesting part of it. What hyena means with politeness and respect as virtues per se is that the fact that this board isnt important to you shouldnt make you behave like an asshole. But this wont lead anywhere so whatever
yes, i'm one of the people who's impressed, and not ashamed to admit it. there's only a few posters who actually add content to their messages: the rest of the stuff is ingratiating drivel akin to complimenting each other's taste in clothes, or games, or the next best thing to comedy central. as for personal preference, i rather bleep off missy's vulgarity than wade through the same old lollercoaster of happy, lobotomized nonsense. clearly, posters like hyena are an altogether different matter, but i'm not surprised about her skills, because i've been familiar with them since 1991.

i was considering writing a long post to explain my views on netiquette and what i think should be on online forums, but i have a headache, i've just been in a car crash, and it's a waste of time. i lost interest in contributing to boards online at any level besides random bullshit, as everything you write falls into nothingness: a discussion on politics or religion will consist of a few informative posts, tons of baseless arguments written in broken english, photoshopped pictures of male genitalia, and all of that will be appreciated by the readers a little less than twelve hundred "omgz, i love cats!!!!" messages.

this very thread is, for the most part, an exercise in uselessness: in how many of them arguments have started because somebody posts a complain and some retard replies with the token "stop whining" [or i'll come to your house and kill your dog, i suppose]? "stop whining" is one of those cliches, like "you're taking the internet too seriously", "you don't go to a band's forum to talk shit about the band", and "i'm gonna put you on my ignore list", whose relevance has become less than zero. aside from hyena's point about the purpose of manners, and missy's replies explaining why he behaves in a certain way, everything else is quite redundant, starting and ending with my pointless rant. nine times out of ten i wind up ignoring situations like this one. which means that since i didn't do it this time, i've got nine wonderful opportunities to do something else in the next few days.

Siren said:
Shit can have other forms than the stupid name-calling ones you're used to.

i love this: it was exactly misanthrope's point. :wave:
It is good to see that the board has gotten a buzz about it. It is nice to see that the pulse has strengthened and there is a spark in the air.

A lot of peopel take internet "life" too seriouisly. Internet and specifically this forum, as well as others, are a place where all different people can come together and express their opinions. What all people need to consider is that with an open forum comes people who have opinions polarically opposite to to other peoples. There are also people who will oppose you for the sake of arguement and then there are those who will agree for only the sake of attempting to make a virtual 'friend.'

MSG boards aren't meant to be tea and crumpets with your sewing circle, its where real people with similar interests but totally different lives get together and talk. Some will like what is said others will be offended, that is just the casualty of war, if you don't like it there are other 'happy' places to 'congregate' to.

The people who make MSG boards entertaining and interesting are people who are assholes to just get a rise out of you, the ones who are quick to have a witty quip, and those who are truly informed on all subjects of life. Everyone else, who by the way are expendable and numerous, are here to serve as provokers. They are the people who get the other 'ones' to talk, they are the ones that spark the other, before named people, to life.

I back Misanthrope, not because the rest of you are doggin on him but because without him this board would go nowhere. (and i also am not backing him because i presume toi know him or anything about him. the MSGboard ina generic sense is all about "Trust No One".)

Look at this post, it started as me whining about how this board is dead. Then a lot of people told me to stop whining and some concurred with my statement. Then Misanthrope happened and this pointless and really just filler post blew up to four pages. And not just blah, blah, blah pages. It is good rhetoric between multiple people. It has life not just "I like this band but DT rocks, or I used to like this band but now if ain't DT I don't want it or I wish I could meet the band or even though I can't see you your lappels are pressed in a most excellent fashion....yadda yadda yadda....I am bored....and really am here to make up for whatever existence I lack"

In REAL life there are alot of people I am sure you don't like but you never meet them. In here there is an increasingly higher chance of meeting someone who, in your opinion is an asshole, and really aren't opinons like assholes, everyone has one?

So if you can't handle real life then go to some other fantasy world where flowers taste like sugar, the trees bear gummy bear fruit, and rivers are made of chocolate. Because that isn't here....
the rest of the stuff is ingratiating drivel akin to complimenting each other's taste in clothes, or games, or the next best thing to comedy central. as for personal preference, i rather bleep off missy's vulgarity than wade through the same old lollercoaster of happy, lobotomized nonsense.

i lost interest in contributing to boards online at any level besides random bullshit, as everything you write falls into nothingness: a discussion on politics or religion will consist of a few informative posts, tons of baseless arguments written in broken english, photoshopped pictures of male genitalia, and all of that will be appreciated by the readers a little less than twelve hundred "omgz, i love cats!!!!" messages.

Can't help but think such a nihilist view when adapted to anything (apart from art) would generate the same conclusions you have Rahvin about this forum. Speaking of irrelevance, why look so deep into the interaction on this forum? As deatheclipsed says, people just want to chat and be happy with people they know can provide an element of validation. So it's not gonna cure cancer... I get the impression you feel something worthless is useless, but it's not. Even fairly phatic conversation still has its purpose.

Bad news about the crash :erk:... hope it wasn't too damaging injury wise or economically.
Am I the only one who sees this as a community, with living people and all? Of course I can hide behind the "Trust no one" facade but that's not how I want to do this.

Sure, Ive read the pointless arguments and silly threads, but what do you expect? It's just as in real life, Im not gonna convert anyone to atheism (which is not my goal anyway) and no one is gonna convert me to catholicism, it's only sad that nothing more came out of it so far.

And what about your "stop whining" cliche rahvin? Missy said like "The board used to be so great but now it's turned to shit, oh and btw I dont respect any of you bitches!" I think "stop whining" is a pretty valid response there. And how is that a "contribution" anyway? I mean, would your respect for me skyrocket if I randomly insulted people just to start a controversial debate? What's the point in that?
I dont know, but after reading your post I couldnt help thinking that maybe you should step down from your mod post. Not that this place needed much moderating anyway but I find your attitude more than inappropriate