I wonder...

i think emptifier would especially enjoy mr. hands, since he has horses of his own
it sure would; the last measure on a ruler is 12" and it my penis would easily meet that requirement!
Söy;6225301 said:
it sure would; the last measure on a ruler is 12" and it my penis would easily meet that requirement!
you really have the ability to turn every thread or even a comment into pure faggotry.

congratulations on your gift (?)
sometimes I wonder what people like Tubgirl, Goatse, the Lemon Party Gentlemen, etc. are like in real life.

I mean...what are they doing right now? As we speak? At this very moment? Do they have any plans for the day? Tomorrow? Next week? Are they going anyplace fun for Summer vacation?

Is Tubgirl just a normal human being like all of us (with one major difference obviously)? Does she enjoy going to shows with friends? Does she do crossword puzzles? Does she ALWAYS blast diarreah in her mouth or was that just a one shot deal?

Mr. Goatse. Does he have a girlfriend? boyfriend? Does he have a 9-5 job? Does he like to have Halo LAN parties with his friends? Whats his favorite pizza place? Favorite beer?

I mean, shit. Are they alive? happy? sad? in prison? are they mentally unstable or just misunderstood? dead? Do their friends and families know their deep dark secrets?

What are your thoughts?

too much questions in one post... *brain explode*
Oh, by the way. Cockmongler is/was (not sure) an employee at the World's Largest Dinosaur in Alberta. And Tubgirl didn't shoot diarrhea, she shot orange juice. It's a big thing in Japan apparently.