I WOULD have a bootleg for last night in London...


There is a rain falling
Feb 24, 2002
Canterbury, UK
...but I got BUSTED!!! :lol: :lol:
I was recording away, happily moshing at the same time during Deliverance, when I felt someone grab me. I thought it was a fellow Opethian, so I wacked him in the face (not saying that I would wack any ol Opeth fan in the face, i was in a mosh pit!), and it turned out to be a security gaurd! I got dragged to the front door, where I thought I would get kicked out of the pub, but I got all my shit confiscated, and I was allowed to happily go back in and enjoy the rest of the show :D

I got all my shit back luckily, I was recording with a standard AKG D 68 S, attached to my Minidisc player through XLR to jack lead. Bastards destroyed the disc :mad:

Anyway, the show was fucking awesome, crowd rocked, Opeth rocked, it all ROCKED! :headbang:

Got me self a sweet Deliverance shirt, and a beanie which is soo gnarly.

Anyone happen to see me? I was wearing red cap, Zyklon hoodie and was holdiong the mic in the air for the first 15 mins :lol: :lol:

fuck! links for mp3 files are not working! I want "serenity painted death" live!!!
I'm sure I saw you outside when I was at the front of the queue.

Yeah, the joint best gig I've ever been too, Opeth were just too good, Madder Mortem ruled as well.
Metalmaster said:
Dvoters, that is one damn cool avatar.

Cheers dude!

TheDemonOfTheFall said:
I'm sure I saw you outside when I was at the front of the queue.

Yeah, the joint best gig I've ever been too, Opeth were just too good, Madder Mortem ruled as well.

Cool, what were you wearing?

I didnt like Madder, they were very uninteresting.

Dvoters said:
Yeah me too!!!


I want "a fair judgement" live as well!!!

If someone has any other link for these live files, please post here!
I don't know how the hell you got busted ?
You were holding up a hand mic ?
You expected not to be busted and get away with it ?

I use a sony digital mic that clips on to my jacket, is brilliant for recording and I've never been busted.
It took me a couple of shows to master the art of getting a good recording.
Standing well back, away from those lamers who go to shows to talk.
I even stand next to the soundboard for most shows I go to, usually the best sound in the venue.

My mic cost me $100 Singapore, you can probably get them here for about £35-40.
gaz said:
I don't know how the hell you got busted ?
You were holding up a hand mic ?
You expected not to be busted and get away with it ?

I use a sony digital mic that clips on to my jacket, is brilliant for recording and I've never been busted.
It took me a couple of shows to master the art of getting a good recording.
Standing well back, away from those lamers who go to shows to talk.
I even stand next to the soundboard for most shows I go to, usually the best sound in the venue.

My mic cost me $100 Singapore, you can probably get them here for about £35-40.

Cool! I have seen those digi mics around, havent seen any for retial though. What you use to record? MD?

Well I think the security gaurds look down on the crowd from a vantage point, and he obviously spottedme holding up the mic :mad:
