Iced Earth Set List Wish List

I think they played on the Days of Purgatory tour. I have a video from 1997 where they just rip through the song.

You are correct....

And I don't think we will see Dante's Inferno for the reasons Neil just mentioned....that and if I recall when they did it in Athens they had a keyboard player out there with them...doubt we'll get that either.
1. Burning Times
2. The Dark Saga
3. The Suffering Trilogy
4. Pure Evil
5. When The Night Falls
6. Dracula
7. Winter Nights
8. Something Wicked Trilogy
9. Iced Earth

that would be crazy. though for my friend mike hed die happy to hear Damien live. The 2 ppl im taking with me are barely delving into IE so this concert will hit them hard.