
Originally posted by -Desecrated-
The world doesn't need to be governed... it needs to be destroyed.

The world are already destroyed...

Sigh... What is communism about anyway? To me it sounds like: "You shall not have your own personality, you shall just do as everyone else do, and be a part of that".

And explain why it fits so good with metal!!
OK, i know Soviet doesn't want to kill people, but if he's so progressive he could point it out clearly instead of saying 'I'm a communist'. No offence but i think by calling yourself Soviet Imperator you show _exactly_ that you identify with communism of 50's (it brings assosiations with Stalin!). then you say something completely opposite. Don't be surprised if noone understand's you.
I know it'd be good to save the world, but Marx also had good intentions and we see what came out of it.
@ Desecrated: i agree. lately i started to see the absurd of life. I'm afraid the world's beyond healing. Mankind is a mistake of Mother Nature and she already pays for it. Or maybe she too was a mistake? what's the purpose of LIFE IN ANY FORM? (no, i'm not sane)
i'm not a communist.. more of a socialist, and in some cases a traditional social-democrat. I vote for the norwegian 'Socialist Left' though, since they seem to have values and a program that suits me the best.

there are alot of elements anti-communists seem to leave out in their thoughts. for instance, one of the main requirements for a proper communist society is a highly industrialized countries, not anything like we've seen in soviet, eastern europe and china and so on. Many of the communists of the 19th century considered capitalism a stage (like feudalism and such) in the development into communism, which is a utopian society without a state.
nowadays it seems like US-propaganda have been too effective for communism ever to succeed.
Originally posted by Odemarkens_son
I'm afraid the world's beyond healing. Mankind is a mistake of Mother Nature and she already pays for it. Or maybe she too was a mistake? what's the purpose of LIFE IN ANY FORM? (no, i'm not sane)

Who are you trying to kid? Look at all we have accomplished. We have split the atom, put a man into space and journeyed to the bottom of the ocean. We are a magnificent species, and at least under communism we will start acknowledging the we ARE all members of the same species. And how, I hear many of you ask, does it fit together with metal and specifically Borknagar?

Because they know as well as I do the insignificance of one, but the significance of all.
/.../put a man into space/.../
Are you so sure? Might've happened recently. But not when they used aluminium foil as protection against cosmic radiation and temperatures ranging from +177 (C) to -177 degrees? I've got my doubts...
We'll see in 2008 (or whenever it was) when they will send up a telescope to take close-ups on the surface of the moon ;)

Just had to write this sorry...
Originally posted by Soviet Imperator
But some of us do know what we are here for. Our existence is not meaningless, and to suggest otherwise is to admit defeat.

I could say the same thing and say that our existance is meaningless and to suggest otherwise is total arrogance on our part.

Originally posted by Soviet Imperator
Because they know as well as I do the insignificance of one, but the significance of all.

:lol: Forgive me if I find this a tad funny. I'm sure everyone will just willingly conform around this idea and all humans will feel like brothers! Let's be a bit realistic here and realize that it will never happen. Humans are very hateful beings.. we're always pointing the finger at someone or hating a certain type of people for no good reason. For this to happen religion would have to be totally abolished and 2000 years of brainwashing would have to be undone. Let's stick to a more realistic and attainable solution.. like world destruction.
[Cornerstone of personal philosophy coming up......]

But we are all brothers! We are all the same! And secularity / atheism is as much an attempt to brainwash the masses as religion is - only religion has been around longer.

Sooner or later we will be forced into acepting all of this, and I work towards the creation of [my utopia] a world where no-one undervalues another. Because ultimately we are all identical.
Originally posted by Soviet Imperator
And secularity / atheism is as much an attempt to brainwash the masses as religion is - only religion has been around longer.

Atheism is an attempt to brainwash the masses? No one goes to your door with atheism pamphlets to tryto convert you. The belief that there is no God is a belief you reach on your *own*. Now how are atheists being brainwashed when it is absolutely natural for humans to have no religion. We weren't born with religion, we invented it. Please do explain how you think atheism is an attempt to brainwash the masses.
I call it 'fashion'. Yes, the same 'fashion' that inspires the hordes of screaming children to follow their pop idols and wear pink clothing, squealing and ignorant, is true as much of atheism as of religion.

'I don't f**king believe in f**king God' is merely an attempt by most of those of little faith to convert those people who do believe in God into not doing so. So no, the disbelief in God is NOT a decision people reach on their own, at least no more than religious people do.

People may well not turn up on your door with atheism pamphlets, but the dissimilarities stop there. If it's all bulls**t, why do you people get so offended when religious people generalise? Besides, atheism is just an extension of humanism and that is a religion unto itself.

So, as I said, WE ARE ALL THE SAME.
Seems like I missed all the fun :lol: I just wrote some babbling and I've started an avalanche :lol: I was't one hundred percent serious, just seventy-five....
Soviet Imperator is against atheism? That's a good joke. I Suppose all people here know that communists used to close down churches and turn them into museums of atheism? I tell you, you'd reach your utopia sooner if you didn't use the word 'Soviet'.
So, Imperator, whats your opinion on God if atheism and religion are the same?
Or is your 'religion' humanism? 'We're a magnificent species' , that fits good enough.
In my opinion communism was a religion, especially in the '50'ies when Stalin was *worshipped*.
You call atheism fashion? It may be so in UK , but here in Poland over 90 percent of society is catholic - of course only by name, many of them don't even believe it and most don't live like their Church tells them to, BUT almost everybody goes to church every sunday, becouse it's *embarrasing* not to. Of course religious discriminations happen often, but on the other hand there's hardly anyone to discriminate. In this country religion is fashion, and atheism is the courage to say 'no'.
Originally posted by Soviet Imperator
I call it 'fashion'. Yes, the same 'fashion' that inspires the hordes of screaming children to follow their pop idols and wear pink clothing, squealing and ignorant, is true as much of atheism as of religion.

'I don't f**king believe in f**king God' is merely an attempt by most of those of little faith to convert those people who do believe in God into not doing so. So no, the disbelief in God is NOT a decision people reach on their own, at least no more than religious people do.

People may well not turn up on your door with atheism pamphlets, but the dissimilarities stop there. If it's all bulls**t, why do you people get so offended when religious people generalise? Besides, atheism is just an extension of humanism and that is a religion unto itself.

So, as I said, WE ARE ALL THE SAME.

Atheism is very well a decision I made on my own. I'm not some teenager who is 'rebelling' against his parents. I'm an educated adult with enough common sense and logic to realize on my own that a God most likely does not exist. Notice I said 'most likely'. I'm not close-minded as to think I'm 100% correct... I know that I may be wrong but my observations and studies make me think otherwise.

I still don't see how you think Atheism is still in fact a 'brainwashing' mechanism when it's only natural to have no belief in a God. You don't see squirrels and racoons going around worshipping Gods. Religion was created by man... Having no belief in any God is as natural as breathing. Is breathing a fashion statement or a brainwashing mechanism?
One thing where I can't fully agree with Desecrated: I think i'ts too simple to say that "it's not natural to believe in God". From what I see man has a need to believe in something - the reason is his weakness, fears, desires etc. Of course, thousands of years ago, certain groups of people (today we call them priests) learned to take advantage of this need. Some of them truly believe, but some of them only use other people's faith.
But all this is just a stage in mankind's development. After reaching certain level of knowledge, man no longer needs to believe. Some of us has reached it already and left our religions. Okay, maybe there's too much pride in my words but that's the way I see things.